William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp in the field just at the front of “South Mountain pass” Md July 6th 1863My Dear wife

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You see we are still on the moove. I wrote you last from Middletown yesterday. last night we received orders to march this morning at seven oclock for this place. we arrived here about ten oclock. I have been up on the famous Battle ground of “South Mountain” this afternoon and saw where eight hundred of the Rebel dead are buried and two hundred and eighty of our own brave boys lie sleeping in a soldiers grave. The battle ground shows unmistakable signs of a fierce conflict. in one length of rail fence Lieut Thompson counted eighty nine bullet marks. I also saw the place where the gallant Reno fell-

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We are sent here by Genl. French to hold this pass which is a very important position just now with the whole Rebel Army on the retreat and our victorious army following them close in the rear. we have got one Battery, the fifth Maine, and the 14th N.J. and the one hundred and fifty first N.Y. Regts to help us hold the pass. part of the balance of Genl. French command are holding “Crampton Gap” about six miles south of us, while the balance have gone towards Harpers Ferry. our Cavalry from here went over yesterday and destroyed the “Pontoon bridge” the Rebs had at Williamsport which is a severe blow to Lee. Our Army has undoubtedly won a splendid victory at Gettesburgh. we are in hopes to get one good lick at them before they can get back over the Potomac. before next Saturday night I believe the most of Lee’s Army

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of invasion will be captured. Our army never felt better. Our boys are all well. Look sharp in the papers for what Genl. French’s division does and then you will be following our fortunes. What worries me most is I cannot get any letters from you my darling one, whom I want to see so bad, but if we have a little streak of good luck now the war will soon be over and I can see you then all I want too. Keep up good courage. it is late and I am tired so I must say “good night my blessed wife”

As ever William

“Love to all”

