William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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MdCamp in the field near MiddletonJuly 5th 1863 My good wife

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Yours of June 28th was received yesterday, and the only one I have seen for two weeks. Last night at four oclock we received orders to march for “South Mountain”. we march 11 miles in the dark and rain and arrived at this place about ten oclock and lay down in the wet grass and I slept as nice as a “pig in clover”. this morning we are waiting for the balance of Genl. French’s Command to come up, as we only have one Brigade with us. we expect to hold two passes in South Mountain. the Rebs are reported to be in full retreat back to the Potomac. probably we shall see some of them very soon. all is going on nicely. I am sorry to have you write in quite so “blue” a voice. I do hope Ferdie will get able to be left all alone soon so you can get a moments and recruit up and feel better. do not worry about me. it is

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you that must look out for your health. I am all right. I expect I have lost several letters since we commenced moving, for I ought to have had one from sister Katie acknowledging the receipt of the little present I sent her, and four from you. at least perhaps some of them will get around yet. This is a beautiful valley laying between the “Katockin Mts.” and the “Blue Ridge”. It looks more like Vermont farming than any place I have seen South I recd. three papers from you by the last mail. you will find more war news in the papers than I can write you besides I am going to mail this letter at this post office and perhaps you may never see it. I write this on my knee in the open field. I am glad I get an opportunity to write you so often for I well know that these are very exciting times in Vt. I should not wonder if we were back on “Maryland Heights” again before a week Cant say. these are “fast times”. write often All our boys well. Will Hutch left us yesterday at Fredrick for home. he has seen enough of war & I expect he will tell you all the news.

As Ever William

