William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp Heintzelman Md.¼ past 2 o’clock A. M. June 18th 1863 Darling one

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It is now most morning and I have only this moment got a chance to drop you a line. The enemy are way up above us, and almost on all sides of me but so far have let us alone. Cannot say how long they will continue to do so. We are watching them sharp, this evening they came into Point of Rocks and tore up the R.R. tracks, & I hear got a train of Cars. We have been expecting them here every moment, but about a half hour ago 12 hundred of our Cavalry reached us from Washington and a Regt. of Infantry is close by, so we feel better now and I am going to lay down for the first time in three nights, and sleep sound. will write by next mail. Think we are all right now. As Ever


Your good long letter came in tonight of the 12th

