William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Camp Heintzelman Md.Sunday Eve May 31st 1863 My Darling wife

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Yours of the 23rd was recd. all right and I was right when I wrote you that "not receiving a letter was a good sign" for it seems our "little pet" was still alive. Oh! how the dear little one must suffer, and how you all must suffer in watching him so long, but if he will only live and get well I know very well you will not mind the long weary days and nights you spend in taking care of him. Darling don't run yourself down so and tell how poor and black you are getting. A few days ride on horse back, when he gets well, will fetch the color back to your cheeks again, and you will not be ashamed of your looks, and I know very well I shall not be ashamed of you. I wrote you some time ago I think abt Sergt. Davis wife being here in camp, I also send a paper I recd. from Sam Luce- and as there was a piece in it that was so much like me I thought I would send it to you.

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for the last four weeks the poor woman has been suffering with the consumption, and this evening she is diing, and it makes us all feel sad, for she is a good little woman. We are watching sharp now for a grand "raid" from Lee's army soon, and we do not feel very well to think the Gen’l does not send us more troops, for we are guarding the river now with four of our companies, and two companies of cavalry all the way from mouth of Monocacy to below "Grate Falls" some twenty five miles, and all we have here on the reserve is six companies of our Regt, one company of Cavalry and a Battery, which I think is altogether to small a force, and it would not be very strange if the next you hear of us we shall be on our way to Richmond, still I don't borrow much trouble about it till it comes (my old motto) Capt Dillinghams company is here with me and I am going to keep it here. They are all well and getting along nicely.

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Com’y "B" is still the best company. I get along splendidly, in fact beat myself and do a great deal better than I expected I could do commanding a Regiment. Col Jewett is still in command of the Brigade. We have not heard much about his being promoted since Congress adj. but he expects it some time, and so do I. I have got several photographs of officers of the Regt. which I will send you in a separate envelop, and you can put them in "my album" Also I send you a few more of my own, as I had to get two dozen more the other day to supply the demand. Also I send you Fifty dollars in this letter to assist you in paying your debts. Aint that good? You better not say much about it as some folks might think I get my pay pretty fast. I can send some more in a few days if this gets through safe. The is no war news with us. "all quiet". dont make me wait very long for letters. love to all.

As Ever William

