William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters 10th Vt Camp Heintzelman Md.May 17th 1863My Darling Mary Jane

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This beautiful Sabbath morning I find myself answering your kind letter of last Sabbath. I got back from the city all right, only stopped there one day. I went and saw Martha, and took her to the Theatre in the evening. Dr. Child and his wife went with us, and our Chaplain. We had a grand good time. Martha is looking better than I ever saw her before, and it made me almost crazy to look at her, she looked so much like home. She was pretty stiff with me and acted all the time as though she was afraid of me, yet she let me kiss her after we got back from the Theatre. I was very dignified with her all the time- She said she would write you. Surgeon Child has got a very nice woman, and I know you would

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like her very much. I see by your letter that you are borrowing trouble again over the war news; I expected it for we saw in the Baltimore papers the other day that we were all " gobbled up" and "twenty five thousand rebels had crossed the river at Edwards Ferry" which was all a story made up, of Maj Chandler seeing about a dozen rebel cavalry over the river opposite Edwards Ferry, and throwing three shells after them, which made them disappear very quick- so much for that story. I make it a point to write you just as quick I find there is an order out affecting us, so you may know at an early day what we are about and when we go- so again I say "borrow no trouble". I am very glad to hear you have recd the check, and hope Father will put it to good use. I sent you Ten dollars in a letter since- write if you receive it I could send you more if you could use

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it. I bought you what I call a very nice "Pin" and Mollie a nice little "cross" and sent by Exp. and paid it which I hope you will receive in due time and take as much pleasure in "wearing it" as I take in "presenting it". I do not know as it is such a one as you will like, but I thought it was cute. Now darling hav'nt I been a good boy? I recd a letter from Sister Katie by the last mail but it is not near as good a one as the other was, still it was very good. I have not received my box yet, but expect it soon. There is noting new here to write about, we remain as usual with no prospect of mooving very soon, and you know more about the "Grand Army" than I do. I did not hear any news in Washington. Am glad John Jerome spoke a good word for me. Nick has just been to the city and says he heard "Rens" wife and children were at Alexandria, and doing wel.- Co "B" all well- all is nicely.

As Ever William

