William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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White Ford Md. Jany 15th 1863My Darling Wife

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I have a moment to write before the mail starts. I wrote you Sunday and did not get the letter into the mail so sent it by the Sutler Geo Skiff of Monkton who has gone home sick. he will probably mail it from Vergennes. I sent in it Ten dollars as a "New Years gift" for you. All is going on nicely here. No news, and all remains as when I wrote you last. I have received no letters from you since Sunday but expect one tonight. John Bradley arrived here last night and is stopping with me, he came to see his brother Henry who is quite sick with Typhoid fever, but not considered dangerous. Lieut Thompson is now a first Lieut in Co “G” and is well liked. I think he will be a Captain the first chance that offers. All the other boys well as usual. I understand Corp. Marshall has been sent to Vt sick. He was not considered very bad when he left camp. Will write again Sunday

As every your husbandWilliam

