William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Qtrs. 10th Vt Regt. Whites Ford Md.Sabbath eveJany 11th 1863My own darling wife

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Last nights mail did not disapoint me- two of your precious letters came at once, one dated 4th and one 7th Jany, and my darling one, what a relief they were to me, to hear my “pets” were both considered out of danger, and Charley too. I was getting worried about him, but I see he is better. It did not seem possible that God could cause you to mourn the loss of a "dear one" so soon again, but I am glad to hear, that however much He may afflict you, still He gives you strength to bear it all. Do not borrow trouble about using so much money- use all you want. I send you Ten dollars as "New Years gift". We have just been paid off for Sept. and Oct. and I have lent what money I had to spare to the Sutler Geo Skiff, (but it is a secret) My expenses have been very heavy too, but I think by good management I shall be able to pay all my "board bills" "clothing bills" Servt bills, buy two horses and saddles, and everything up to the first of Jany. and send home when they pay me all I got for the months of Nov. and Dec. about three hundred dollars, wont that be grand, to begin the New Year with that on hand and out of debt. Give my little Mollie all the milk she can drink if it costs five dollars a week enstead of one. I do not think that is very bad, a dollar a week for milk. Why I paid my board bill to day for the time I was up at the Monocacy, about two

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weeks and it was $8.50, what do you think of that? Tell Mother Henry to worry about me, I will try to write her a good long letter in a few days. I am glad to hear you say your courage is so good about me, that is right. It seems to me all the time that I shall be spared to see you all again and that after this is all over we shall get paid for all our sacrifices now. As I wrote you last Col Jewett is now in command of the Brigade, and I am boss of the 10th Vt. We expect to get the Regt. all together again in a few days at Poolsville, where his Brigade Head quarters are. Col Jewetts friends are working hard to make him a full "Brigadier Genl" and if they succeed there you will undoubtedly be a full Colonel, but we must not anticipate to much. I shall know in a very few days what his chances are and will let you know so you can be studying "Tactics", and be ready to adorn your new position would not that be a bit lift for me if I should go to Brattleboro in Aug as first Lieut. and turn up on the Potomac in March following a Col. of one of the best Regts. in the army of the Potomac. Well who knows? I shall try to do my duty what ever my position. If we get to Poolsville in Feb. and nothing new turns up my chances for a few days leave of absence will be good, and I think I shall see you but if not, and the baby gets well you must come, for I cannot wait all winter to see you. You must not fear the "Rebs" for they are not making us much trouble now. You say you had a good dream of me the other night, my darling I dream of you most every night, and wake up and lay hours and think of what a good wife I have got, and oh! how I long for the time to come, when I can lay with your head upon my breast and my loving arms around you. This is a miserable cold rainy night, and as I get to thinking of you, and the comforts of home, if I was

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not a soldier (as I am) I should get up courage to acknowledge that I am homesick, but you know I am not, but I do want to see you and all my friends. Tell Mr. Parker how much I am obliged to him for encouraging you, and helping you to bear your troubles, and for praying so earnestly for me. I love Mr. Parker. I have sent Katie a five dollar bill to buy her a Christmas present with because her Father has been so kind to us all, as well as her mother and her own dear little self. I will make Mr. Parker a good present when I get home. Write me all about Charlie, how he is getting along tell him I have got two good Saddles and when the War is over will give him one. I hope he will get well, for if he should die, I believe it would just about kill Father Beebe. Father Beebe must not be discouraged for if I live through this and I believe I shall, I shall be in circumstances to help him clear the Farm from debt, and it will make us all a good home, and we will live together and you and I will take good care of them in their old age, will we not my darling one. He must not think of selling the farm for there is no spot on earth would seem like home to him, Mother, or you again. How does Ella get along now? You must keep up good courage a little while longer and I shall be with you all again, and you know my courage is good to keep you all up. poor mother, how she must have suffered. I know she loves me as well as one of her own children. I must close for I am out of paper, but shall have a good supply in a few days. Good night my darling one, and may you have a good dream of me tonight.

As ever your loving husband William.

