William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Head Quarters “Col. Henrys detachment” Camp “Jewett” Monocacy Md. Sunday eve. Dec 28th 1862 My Darling wife

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I have got to write you this quiet Sabbath eve without having heard a word from home for the last ten days. In mooving up here we have missed our mail some way and it has not got around yet. I expect to get a whole handful of letters when it does come. I have got three companies here, and am guarding “Haulingford” north of the Monocacy river. We have got a splendid place to camp - plenty of good dry wood good fresh water, and good nice stones to build fireplaces with. I have got my tent fixed up nicely now - with a good floor and am comfortable. I have got a private from Co “A” Johnny Cole of Walden Vt for a servt. now, and he is first rate - takes good care of my things. Col Jewett is three miles below me at Whites Ford with four companies and Maj Chandler is two miles below him with three co’s. Co “B” is with him so I have not seen them since last Monday, but I hear they are all doing well. Sergt. Abbott is doing better, and

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we think now he is going to get well. I hope he will, for he is one of our best men, and will be a Lieut. in a few days. I went out Christmas on an invitation from an old fellow by the name of Trundell who lives close bye, and got a first rate Christmas dinner. They were very nice people. I was there again today and got dinner. He is very friendly, for he wants me to keep the boys from stealing all his chickens and loose property. To day I was up to “Point of Rocks” to meet a Col. of Cavalry, to make arrangements about guarding the river from here there, three six miles. The river will then be guarded from Washington to Harpers Ferry. I think we are settled for the balance of the winter here now, if the Rebels do not drive us out. I have got a splendid place to make a fight, in between the little hills, a force three times as large as mine could not drive me out. A smart looking “contraband” has just been brot in by the officer of·the guard, who has just come across the river, from his Master – the poor fellow was nearly frightened out of his wits, for his master had told

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him that if he got over here the Yankees would sell him to go South. He felt very much assured when I told him he was free, and could go where he pleased. The Lieut took him for a servt. The poor things think they are all going to be free after New Years - but I am afraid they are going to be disapointed. I am borrowing considerable trouble about my “little ones” and am very anxious to get my letters and hear how they are. I am not going to be able to get away yet a while, for I expect every day Col Jewett will be in command of the Brigade, and that will leave me in command of the Regt., but patience. I blive “all will yet be well”. I hope the little ones are better so you can come down and see me if I cannot go by and by - it would be very easy for you to get to me now for I am only five miles from the depot on the Balt. & Ohio R.R. My health is tip top yet. I belive my Lung difficulty is completely cured. I have not felt that soreness in my chest for some time, and am free from a cough. Aint that good? You must write often and I will try to write twice a week again when it is so I can. Good night my darling one, and may God bless you.

As Ever William

