William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Seneca Creek Md. Oct 19 th 1862My Darling one

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This is a most beautiful Sabbath afternoon, I have just come from meeting and thought I would commence a good old fashioned letter to “my good wife” Oh! you blessed one I love you better and better every day, as I consider more and more, what a dear good wife you have always been to me. The Col. was speaking to me only a few days ago, that as soon as we went into “winter quarters” any where, we would send for our wives and keep them in camp for a while, so they could see the beautis of soldiering. I shall be glad when that time comes you can well belive, for it seems I have been gone from you a long time now. We are here yet alltogether (that is all the Regt.) We are Brigaded with the 39th Mass Regt. under Genl. Grover, although I belive

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I wrote you all this the last time.

We expect there will be two more Regiments added in a few days, but have no idea who they will be. I hope good ones. If Genl. Stoneman is called to another command, then the probability is that we shall remain where we are all winter, but if he remains, then Genl. Grover will have to take us to Washington, and if the “grand army” should make an advance this fall as I expect it will then we would have to go with it. but all a good soldier has to do is to “obey orders” and I suppose that is all we have got to do. Our Lieut Col. has risigned and gone - he left yesterday for the city – the Col. went with him, so I am in command of the Regt. now. The Col will be gone three days. So you see I am considered a very good soldier or I should not be left in charge of nearly

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a thousand men, here so close to the Enemy, for we are liable to have an attack from them any moment, as they are one side of the river and we on the other. Still we are not much afraid of them coming here. Col. Jewett has forwarded my name to Gov. Holbook for the office of “Lieut Col” and I suppose he will appoint me if he thinks I am worthy. All is going on nicely now. Co “B” is the best company in the Regt. and is the healthiest one. Capt. Dill. has been trying to have a fever for a few days past, but I think he has throwed it off and is all right now. George is doing first rate yet. I am getting along very well indeed. I do not belive I have an Enemy in the Regt. but have very good reason to belive I am a “favorite”. I do not belive there will be a single voice raised here against my being “Lieut Col” This of course is very satisfactory to me, and makes me feel as though I had done

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my duty. I expect the mail in, in the morning and off course I shall have a nice good letter from you - so I will say “good night” and finish this before the mail goes out again.

Oct 21st This evening I recd. your kind letter of the 15th Also a darling good 1etter from “our sister Katie” for all of which I am very thankfull The Col. got back from the city this evenning. All went on very nicely with me while he was gone. I am getting very well posted up in military affairs again. There is nothing new here to write about since I last wrote. It is the same old round of “Picket and Drill”. Brother [Lims] is sending me the (Waltons) daily Journal every day which I am very much obliged for - it keeps me posted on Vermont matters. I shall write him a good long letter one of these days when I find something of interest to write about, to pay him for his kindness. Good night my “Darling one” until Sabbath day when I will try to write you again

As ever your loving husbandWilliam

