William Wirt Henry to John Henry

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Seneca Creek Md.Oct 17th 1862 My Darlirg wife

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I recd. two letters from you today and am glad to know you are all well yet. We had not had a mail before I believe for the last ten days. My darling one I am glad to hear that you have found an arm strong enough for you to lean upon in this your hour of trouble, without any fear that you will fall to the ground. I know very well that several times in my life, I have felt how miserably weak I was, and that it was very clear to me that I must look to God alone for help. I firmly believe in Him as you well know. And I think more a grate deal about such matters than a good many think, but do not say much. You know my feelings on that point very well. I have not got time to fairly answer your excellent good long letters tonight for I have had a long ride

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today with our new Brigadier Genl. Grover - showing him all about our Picket line. We do not know who the other Regt’s are going to be to make up our Brigade at present there is only the 39 Mass. besides ourselves. Genl. Grover took command of us to day, and so far we are very much pleased with him. I got a very high compliment from him in regard to the manner in which I had posted my Picket guard, for I. have had to boss it all pretty much ever since we came here, because I had had experience.

Our Lieut Col. (Edson) has resigned and to night his papers came back accepted, so we are without a Lieut Col.

You kneed not be any ways astonished if you hear in a very few days that you are “Mrs. Lieut Col. H”.

The whole Regt. is here same as when I wrote you last. As I said before I tired tonight, and will try and answer your good letters sunday if nothing prevents

As ever your William

