William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp at Seneca Locks MdSunday eve Oct 5th 1862 My good wife

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I have got to set down this evening and write you a letter, without having one from you to answer. We have not had our mail very regular for the last few days and I have heard nothing from you - but still I am going to write just the same for well I know more than one good long letter is on the way to me, which will get around in time I suppose - still it tries my patience some to have to get along without them - but you know my patience is of the best kind and if any one can stand it, I can. I am glad you wrote to Katie Parker before you got my letter about it. I know she is a dear good girl, and will make us a very good sister “Katie”

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but she can never replace the “lost one” – Oh! can it be possible that I am never to see “Katie” again in this world? It does not seem possible she is gone, and now when I get to thinking of you all, and about home, I keep thinking of her as alive and well, and I cannot make it seem any other way. I hope Katie Parker will write to me, for it will help to divert my mind from the “great loss” and help in a measure to supply the loss I feel in not getting letters from “my dear sister” I am still in the same place as when I wrote you last, and have just about the same to do, if anything little more responsibility for, four of the companies have been concentrated here and two Cannon, all of which are under my command. As I wrote you before, this is quite a depot for provisions, which come up from Washington on the Canal. The teams

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come here for provisions for twenty five miles above here. I am now guarding the Canal and provisions. We have to keep a good watch that the Rebels do not slip across the river and steal our “Grub”. My health is still first rate, so is George and all - I am a great favorite with the Col. and I believe generally with the Regiment. You ask “how I like being “Major” I must say I like it frist rate so far, it is much better than to be a Captain but after all I wish the war was over so we could all go home honorably, for nothing but patriotism and the proud consciousness that I am doing my duty, would begin to pay me for being separated so long from “my loved ones at home” and all my home comforts and pleasures, for you well know my good darling one how well I enjoy them, because I

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appreciate their value, as I believe a great many cannot - but let us all do our duty nobly during this dark day in our countrys history, and when the sunshine beams upon us once more, how much more can we appreciate what it is to have a good home surrounded by so many dear good ones, can we not my darling. Our Chaplain came down here this afternoon and I got the Companies together, and we had services, and I took charge of the singing which was very good as a matter of course. We have got a very nice man for a Chaplain, but still every sunday I think of Mr. Parker and wish I could hear his good noble soul pouring itself out in one of his master patriotic war sermons. Our Chaplain took tea with me, and we are getting to be grate “cronies”. How I would like to have a good spree with my little pet “Mollie” this evening, but that with all my other wants of home must be delaied for a season. God only knows how long. It is quite cold this evening and I guess we shall get a Frost for the first time this season to ammount to anything. I expect you may look for very “stirring war news” in a few days, for if we are rightly informed we have sent a very large force towards Richmond, but wether it is for Richmond direct or to get in the rear of Jackson and Lee I do not know. I expect every hour we shall get orders to moove. we are all ready when it comes.

I want you should send me the Montpelier Watchman (weekly) every week, for I want to keep posted on the local news. If Father Beebe does not take it now you can get one up to the shop. Have every body write often. My darling one, good night.


