William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp in the fieldSunday eve Sept 28th 1862My good darling wife

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I have got at it at last. I have been trying all day to get a chance to write you, but was kept buisy at something until now. We are yet in the same place as when I wrote you last and my duties remain about the same. Perhaps I better tell you what I. have been about to day, which will serve very well for most of the days since we came up here. first I am making my head quarters with Co “B” I have got a good tent, and George and I occupy it. it is close by Capt Dillinghams tent, I will make a rough draft of the place and then you can see how it is better. Well I got up this morning at half past six, had a good wash, put on clean shirt and

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drawers, took a tin cup of coffee some boiled potatoes, fried pork and some hard bread for breakfast, got on my Horse and rode down to Co. "G" about two and a half miles, gave them a "lecture" on picket duty, then rode back, fed my horse and about noon started up the line to head quarters on the way visited my companies “K” “E” and “H”, got up to the Col. about three oclock, talked matters over with him until about four, when we took dinner, of good roast beef, boiled potatoes, soft bread and butter, which was an excellent dinner, had a smoke after dinner about an hour, got on my horse and rode home again, getting in just at dark. We do not expect to stop here many days longer, but cannot tell, as “Uncle Abe” has not invited me to advise him what to do. I believe if I was commanding the “Grand

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Army” I. should make a grand rush to go to Richmond now, for it looks to me now is the best time to go there we have ever had. I should like very much to winter there if I have got to winter away from home. Already I want to see you very much and my little Mollie. I love her better and better every day, the blessed little darling - "little one" I do not seem to know much about, he is so small, but I suppose you are loving him better every day. what are you going to call him? My health is better than it has been for over a year. I told you it would cure me to take the field again. You do not know how very much afraid I was that I had got to have the Consumption this fall, but now I think it is all over for this time, for I am certainly better. The Col. remarked to me today that I was growing “fat”. I want you

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should get a picture of Mollie, and send to me also one of yours, or a new one if you have not got one you can send. I should thought you would have put one in my Valise. Capt. Dillingham wishes to be remembered, he is doing first rate and making a tip top captain. The Col. thinks a great deal of him. Lieut Thompson is also a favorite. We think every thing of our Col. He is one of the best in the field, and we are getting up a grand good Regt - almost equal to the old “second”. If you want money get it at the shop for it will probally be some time before we get paid off. use all you kneed. I wish we had some of Father Beebes good old "specs". I hope I can fetch home my big bay mare I have got. I would let him have it. She is a splendid one and I got her for 75 Dollars. Some of the Cavalry stole her from the “secesh” down on the “Rapid Ann". Write me all the news - tell Father, Mother, Charlie and Ella to write me. I want to hear from them all. Tell “Ren” if we go back to Washington I shall try to go and find his wife. I heard she was at “Bush Hill” yet. Kiss Mollie for her Pappa. good night. William always direct to Washington until I say somewhere else.

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The rest of the Regt. “I”, “D”, “F”, and “A” are posted above the Cols. quarters to Edwards ferry, and under the charge of Lieut Col Edson. from the Col. down belongs to me.

