William Wirt Henry to John Henry

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Camp Chase Va.Sept 11th 1862My Darling wife

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I have been trying for three or four days to get a spare moment to write you, just a few consoling lines if I can, but I must confess that I am not in a very good mood to give consolation, but better to receive it. I got the dispatch Saturday morning before we left Brattleboro from Ed Wells. It did not surpprise me at all for I looked for one all day Friday. I did not make up my mind that she would die until just before I left Friday morning. Well she is gone and we are left to mourn her loss, but there is no use of repining for it is God that is dealing with us, when

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we come to die, yet it seems hard for me to be reconciled. I must confess that I thought a great deal of Katie, and no one knew it better than you. And it is some consolation to know that she thought well of her brother, but she is gone and we must not mourn, for there is no doubt but it was all for the best, although perhaps we cannot see it now. I am expecting every day now to get a good long letter from you detailing all of the sad event. And for the present will let it rest there, although my heart bleeds. You must be brave now.

About myself - we left Brattleboro Saturday as we expected had a very pleasant ride to New Haven in the Cars. There we went on board of

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the splendid Steamer “Continental” and I: went to bed and rested very well until we got to New York Sunday morning. That afternoon we started on again and arrived in Phil. about eleven oclock at night where we got a good supper, then took the cars again and arrived in Baltimore next morning. Waited there for cars until afternoon and did not get into Washington until ten oclock at night. Got the boys some supper, when they all very quietly laid down on the hard earth for a bed and the sky for a covering, many of them very likely for the first time, but I heard no grumbling. next morning the Col. was sick, and sent me down to Gen. Caseys head quarters to report the Regiment, which I did in good shape,

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got my orders and went back and took command of the Regt. marched at their head through the City of Washington (and you may believe I felt very proud to do it) to long bridge - over that, and out towards Fairfax about one and a half miles to this place which is called “Camp Chase” We are in Genl. Caseys Div. under Brigadier Genl. Briggs of Mass. for the present and unless something new should happen shall remain here and drill some two months the Genl. says which is just what we want to do. We have got a very pleasant camp, and all is going on nicely all the boys from our way are well. George is doing nicely - the Vt Cavalry is camped one mile from us, and they are over here all the time - have seen Martin and all the boys from our way,:who are well and tough but look as though they had a very hard time this summer. Martin is looking first rate. I will write you often now, for I have got a good tent and am nicely fixed up. write me good long letters for I am going to be very lonesome for a while thinking of you all at home - tell all to write me

As Ever YoursWilliam

