William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp Griffen VaFeb 23rd 1862My good wife

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Yours with sister Katies good long letter has been recd and read and reread as usual. I am in hopes to get one more from you before I leave here, but perhaps I shall be disapointed. Ed has got his discharge and is going to Annapolis Tuesday (this is Sunday). and I expect to meet him there on Thursday next and get home Saturday evening on the mail train, if the 8th Regt. does not leave Brattleboro before that time, if they have then I think I would go by Burlington and get home on the l0 oclock train. Ed wants to stop in Brattleboro to see the Maj and so do I. So you see we have got the thing planned to get home sometime if nothing happens. To day I have had a chance to do a kindness for a “Rebel". The Cavalry from here yesterday took 18 prisoners out near Fairfax and one of them tried to run away when they fired on him and shot him through the side but not

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dangerous. They brot him here to the 2nd Hospital for Dr. Carpenter to take care off. I have had a good long talk with him and wrote a letter for him to his Mother to let her know he was not dead. The Col. is going to send the letter by Flag of truce. He is a smart young Virginian and says they were deceived in the South - that he has fought long enough, and does not want to be exchanged but is ready to take the Oath and become a citizen of the United States again - & there is many more of them would like to do the same thing The Army here feel very much elated at the recent grand Union victories and think they will be back in Vermont again by the first of July, and I think they will - business with me has not been worth a cent for the last bwo weeks, for they expected the order to march every day, and hardly any one wished to get anything that he would have to carry. The Suttlers were afraid to buy for the same reason. I will write you again when I get to Annapolis - wont Martha be glad. I will thank my good sister personally for her good long letter.

Kiss my Mollie, tell her papa is coming.William

