William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp Griffin VaFeb 16th/62My precious darling

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I have not heard from you since I wrote last but still I got your good letter out this calm sabbath evening and read it over again and made up my mind that I could well afford to write you twice for so good a letter. Oh!.my precious one, it does me good to have you say again and again that "you love me more than ever", as time flies along and allows you to see me more and try me in and under all kinds of circumstances. I well know as I have often told you that you, in your sober moments would always forget and

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forgive all my short comings, when you would stop and realize how truly I love you, and care for you. I am only human and off course I have my faults, but how kindly you have overlooked all, and at each opportunity have never failed to say "'William dearest, I sincerely and truly love you more and more” Oh! may it ever be so is the sincere wish of William. Oh darling how I wish I could fold you to my breast this moment. I want to be with you. But patience - I shall be in a short time if all is well I hope. I saw Ned Wells to day and he expects to be discharged

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this week, if he is we will start for home together, and go by the way of Annapolis and see Will and get home some time before the middle of next week. He wants to see his dear ''Martha'' very much and I do not blame him for she is a dear good girl and a lovable one too. I love her myself, but with your approbation!! If he is not discharged I shall start for home alone and get there about a week from Wednesday so you kneed not answer this unless you hear from me again, but may answer it verbally when I am permitted to kiss you once more. My health is good yet - no news at all to write.

Yours more than ever
(love to Katie) William

