William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp Griffin VaFeb 14th 1862My darling

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Yours of the 9th came last night and was a good one too. Oh! you dar1ing, it does me good to get a good loving letter from you, and makes me wish I could be with you, for a little while at least. I dreamed last night I was sleeping with you and was mad when I woke up and found it was only a dream. I hope to be with you in a short time for I cannot stand it much longer. I am getting fat, was weighed yesterday and have gained eleven pounds since I came to camp, so you must know I am feeling pretty good by this time and want to be at home. Ned Wells wants I should wait for him, but if the bill does not pass very soon to disband the Bands I shall not wait for him – business is getting pretty slim - have got them most all cured up so I have nothing to stay for - dont think I shall stay more than ten days more at the outside.

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The Regt. is a great deal more healthy than it was when I came here – all the Vermonters in this Brigade are. We are still in the mud and I think it is going to be mud all winter here. The boys had a good cheer when they got the news of the fall of Roanoke Island and the success of Burnside. They are anxious for an advance, but it is impossible at present. I am so glad for your sake that I did not allow myself to be Capt. of Co D, for I can see now it would have killed you, but it was a great temptation. Are you really getting fat. Am glad you are enjoying yourself so well. I must get there in tine to see the last of the singing school. I wish you would scold John for not writing a word yet. I should like to know if he has recd the money I have sent 166 one time and 57.50 the next. Tell my good sister Katie to write me once more. And Charlie too - give my love to all - write as usual.

Yours as everWilliam
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Kiss Mollie for her papa

