William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp AdvanceOct 8th 1861My good darling wife.

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Your good long letter of 9 pages or more came last night. I told Frank about Racheal and he felt real bad. She was a good woman all things considered I think. Your good letter came in a good time. I was sent down to the city yesterday and before I got back I got caught in an awful hard shower, and if it had not been for Col. Stannard, who was with me, I should have got perfectly soaked. He had an oil cloath coat with him (we were both Horseback) and insisted on my putting on the Coat and he got wet to the skin. As it was I got my legs and feet wet and to day I feel a little old. Col. Stannard is a “Christian”, I believe if he does

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swear a little once in a while when things do not go to suit him. He has always been very kind to me. We went down to buy a large Tent for a Bakery. I rode out to our old Camp ground and saw Mr. Gates and his wife. they were very glad to see me and made me stop to dinner with them. Genl. McClellan had a grand review yesterday of one hundred and twelve pieces of Artillery which I had the pleasure to see. it was grand certain, and was quite a large army. Everything remains here as when I last wrote. The rebels have fallen back and the boys do not have a very hard time now on “Picket” or so dangerous. Capt. is better. So is Frank Carpenter. I saw Lieut. Gregg yesterday in the

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hospital at Washington - he is doing first rate now - is so he sits up part of the time but he is low yet, that is weak. He has been very sick with Typhoid Fever. He is a little homesick. The new boys are all well - also Bill Clark. About buying out Father I will write John what I think about it, and send to you and you can give to him. I believe it is a good thing for Father is never satisfied with anything we do. And we could get along better without him. Eli is a good fellow but I am afraid he would not make a good partner in business. You can read John’s letter and see what I say to him. I will write you again soon.

Yours as everWilliam
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Tell Katie, Charlie and Ella to write me all the news - give my love to them. I see most all of the Waterbury boys every day as we are here close together. they are all well as usual.


This is not a very good answer to your good long letter of 9 pages - (what a good one it was) but I hope to do better next time.

Wednesday morning. We have just got orders to be ready to move at daylight. I think it is to be the grand advance


