William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp AdvanceSept 29th 61My Dear Wife

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This is Sunday Eve and it has been quite an eventful day with the Troops in this vicinity. Last night there was a general advance ordered. The Second Vt was ordered out after 9 o’clock in the night. Capt Dillingham was not very well having had a very hard time on Picket duty. and I am not in working order yet so the Orderly Sergeant Canning had to take charge of Co D. they marched out about four miles in Co. with about 8 other regiments and two Cos. of Cavalry - in the dark they got mixed up some way and commenced fireing on each

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other and there was 14 killed and about fifty wounded. The poor fellows were brought in to day and the boys had pretty solemn faces today. there was not any of our Regt killed or wounded. that was good. Our boys are out tonight about three miles and tomorrow the order is that we follow them and take all the camp equipage with us and I suppose we shall build a Fort out there somewhere. I am glad we are going to move back into the country farther for it is very unhealthy here on the river. We have a big fog every morning, and I do not like it. Our troops are occupying the celebrated

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Munsons Hill. the Enemy retreated without fireing a gun. I expect they are trying to coax us down to Bull run again. The fourth and fifth are all here and are feeling nicely. I saw quite a number of them to day. George Hill came down to my camp to day, and was mighty glad to see “Bill” the boys that came with me are all nicely, and in fact all our boys are pretty much well now. Bill Clark is tough and well. You must not show this letter or tell any of the Army news I write you for it is against the rules.

I will write you again as soon as we get settled. Tell Katie to write me. Give my love to all.

Yours as everWilliam

