William Wirt Henry to Mary Jane Henry

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Camp Advance nearChain bridgeSept. 27th/61My Darling Wife

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Your good letter of the 22nd came yesterday, and to day you get an answer. Day before yesterday we had quite an exciting time here. Six Batteries and about four thousand infantry made an advance on Lewinsville about five miles from here for the express purpose of “stealing” or as it is termed by the military “forging”. Our company went out but as I told you when I left, I did not go with the company for I am not considered well yet, yet I could not be easy and after they had all gone I got into the Ambulance

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and rode on after them as far as “Langleys” on the Leesburgh road. I got up into a church where I could see the whole opperation. Our Batteries were placed along the road towards Lewinsville behind the little hills out of sight of the Enemy and each supported by a regiment of Infantry. The Skirmishers advanced as far as Lewinsville and took up a position when the rebel Cavalry made their appearance when a few shells from Capt. Motts Battery soon sent the “flying”. Our teams then came up along the road and commenced loading with Corn, Oats, and Hay from the farms on each side of the road. This is the best farming

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part of Virginia I have been in. Our waggons loaded, (over one hundred of them) the order came to fall back which we did in good shape. As soon as we commenced to retreat the rebels followed after and fired on our rear but without hitting a man. When they got near enough Capt. Mott agan opened on them form his Battery and we have learned since Killed 15 and wounded a good many more. We also got twenty five head of Cattle and I should think about 30 head of Sheep. So you see dear it was a pretty big “steal” The boys all felt nice over it. The troops are still pouring into Washington but what the grand programme

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is to be we poor little fellows are not permitted to know. The boys are all feeling pretty well at present. I think Chas Gilman and Alex Warden will be sent home. Yesterday I was officer of the Brigade Guard at Genl. Smiths head quarters. this morning the Company have gone out on Picket duty and I am “sleeping”. I sent by Express yesterday to John two hundred Dollars and you call on him for Ten of it for your part for being a good girl. Will that pay you? When you want more ask for it - and he will let you have it. tell the women of the new recruits they are all well and nice I think I am getting along good and am going to be tough - if all goes well I shall get the place I told you of last. All is well yet. Write often and tell Katie to write often. I will try and write her in a day or two.

Yours as everWilliam

