Charles Dillingham to William Wirt Henry

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Camp Lyons Chain BridgeAug 28, 1861Dear William

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Inclosed is your authority for enlisting forty men. The regiment is to be increased to one thousand men Lieut Hoyt goes to Vermont to do it but as I have some doubt about his gitting men enough, I have got this order for you to enlist for Our company. they will get pay and rations from the date of Enlistment Hoyt will be somewhere in the state. You will hear from him through the papers. For Gods sake dont get any but good men. We don’t want any more infants. None but men, are wanted. I shall try and get half a dozen dead men discharged, and if you succeed in getting men to fill their places, why I shall succeed in getting them discharged.

I was detailed by Col Whiting to go to Vermont to recruit for the rgmnt and got all ready to go to day, and Genl Smith would not let me go.

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He said he couldnt spare the Captains. So Lieut Hoyt is sent.

We came down from Great Falls Monday night, got here at Eleven o’clock, just as the long roll was beating. So we formed on the color line and I stood under arms for an hour or more. The result was it was found to be a false alarm and we went to bed.

Last night at dark we were ordered to be in light marching order with one days rations on hand, imedeatly ready to march at a moments notice. We of course got ready. then changed our muskets for the Enfield rifle, got the cartridges distributed, and laid on Arms, but were not called out, though we are still liable to be any moment It is understood that we were or are going over the river to attack a camp of the devils at Falls Church

I bought a mess chest the other day that beats every thing ever got up. Col Stannard got a tent and stove and we are likely to have the best little mess

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in the regiment. Lieut Col Stannard Major Joyce Dr Carpenter, Gregg and myself – always saving a place for you.

The boys are feeling pretty well though we have a dozen on the sick list, none of them much sick but Merriam. he has had a hard time but I reckon he will get well.

Hoping to see you fully recovered at the Expiration of your leave. Am as ever

Yours trulyC Dillingham

Capt Eaton came in Saturday with men enough to fill his company to 101.

