George W. Quimby to Parents

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Camp near Warrenton VANov 14, 1862Dear Parents -

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I have a few moments to night which I will spend in writing to you. I received your letter concerning the coat two days ago and shall get it soon through the Sutter I think, tho. now we are some ways from Washington, and may be further in a few days.

We are expecting to commence a campaign under another and untried leader in a day or two, perhaps we may start tomorrow tho. we do not generally know anything of the moves till a few hours before we are to march.

Gen. McClellan reviewed our

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division for the last time Nov 10th and it was one of the saddest hours I ahve seen in this war. for then we knew for a certainty that a Leader whom we all trusted and loved was removed from us. Twas then that we knew that an influence woeful for the interests of the country had gained the ascendancy in Washington.

I believe that it was the darkest day we have seen when McClellan was suspended for it is a dangerous thing to take from the Army one whom they love and worship almost, just because he cannot be driven or moved against the decisions of his own judgment. I never saw him looking as finely as when he passed by us with uncovered head - looking

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as though he would fix the expression of each countenance in his heart. Well today the 15th we have not moved and the talk is we shall move tomorrow. We must do something soon if at all. Until McClellan was suspended we marched 5 days at the rate of about 15 miles then stopped for half a day and continued for two days longer to march - when he was suspended and since then we have marched only 6 or 7 miles and have stopped here since the afternoon of the 9th - precious time for the Rebels - but I hope for the best. We have had pleasant weather for the last few days, but before that we had had some very cold weather. It snowed on the 8th and was very cold and boisterous - giving us quite a fortaste of winter and we must have rainy and cold weather

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attended with mud which will stop further operations for this fall. I have received no letters in response to the overcoat the last today dated Nov. 4th. I was glad to hear that you were all well and especially that mother's health is good - for I shall now think that there is some prospect of my seeing you all again in health for if we ever get into winter quarters I shall come home some way. We start tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock.

Write as often as possible -

Your affectionate sonG. W. Quimby

