George W. Quimby to Emeline B. Masta

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Mrs. Emeline B. Masta


Camp GriffinFeb 10th 62Dear Sister-

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I will write you a few words tonight that you may know how we are getting along here away down in "Old Virginia".

You asked in your last letter to know how I liked my superior officers. Co. Stoughton is a young man - the youngest Col. in the service and the smartest one in the Vermont Brigade - He is a fine looking man about the medium height - rather light curly hair heavy mustach simply active and energetic - and I have

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no doubt will prove himself brave in the Battle - the Privates think everything of him - as well as the officers. The Lieut. Col. is a capable man and fills the position well but not so smart or popular as the Col. his name is Worthen. Our Maj. has resigned - his name was Tylor - he was not capable but was bigoted and mean. Capt. Tucker is very popular with the company as well as in the Regt. and makes a fine officer and I think much more of him than I used to. It is not strange that you should connect the fact of a man's being arrested with wrong from the same in civil life

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where the proceeding are not so summarily. but here this is no chance for investigation till after the arrest and no inquiry made till after the arrest which may be brought about by the hastiness of a superior officer or by mistake. Capt. was placed under arrest for doing what he had been expressly order to do by Co. Stoughton, but which did not seem to meet the views of others his superior officers. He had the comd. of a force of 200 men sent on a sortie and after taking them to the Fall as directed doing everything as ordered. On his return and about a mile from the Picket line inside of it he drew up the men and

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discharged their pieces at the same place where had done this times. But on this day it appears there was a rumor that the Rebels were to advance which he knew nothing of and the firing caused an alarm and some Regts. were called out under arms. He was arrested but in a few days Col. Stoughton made an examination of the facts and the Capt. was released. It was tho't nothing; of here - If you believe all the stories you hear of us you will have your hands full, for some have been made to toe the mark that never did before and they dislike it. I do not know as there is any project of doing anything for three or four weeks ahead. My health is very good.

Your affectionate brotherG W Quimby

