George W. Quimby to Sister
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Mrs. Emeline B. Masta
Camp GriffinSmith's Division VaNov. 5th, 61Dear Sister,
I will write a few words in answer to your letter of Nov. 1st.
I do not know now whether Mr. Sartle was employed in settling that business, but my impressionis this. I made out the papers to attach the Colt but as I was in the office I suppose it would be said that he was employed in that, but that was settled and I do not know as har he was employed in it any further for it was not necessary.
You cannot get the money unless you sue and then if there was a balance of an unsettled account in his favor he could bring that in and deduct so much from the amount kept back.
Perhaps you will have to let it go till the commissioners meet or do as you think best for I do not know exactly how it stands.
Don't let these ugly questions bother you too much for you will have good many of
them in settling the estate. I like your idea
of settling and administering
upon it yourself. I have sent something to your care in a box with the Capt. and
others let me know if you receive them and send them
down here when you can.
Have you sent the Atlantics yet? If you have I have no received them. I wish you would do so soon.
I am well and hearty and so is the Capt. also Barney. Lieut. Bishop is a little
unwell - there are
a good many cases of measles some quite [handsome] of
fever, but I think all will get over with this sickness soon. We have got all of our
clothing now, but it was a long time before we did.
In hasteYour affectionate brotherGeorge