Albert A. May to Friend

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Fort Marcy Camp AdvancedNorth Eastern VirginiaOct 8, 1861Mr A. S. & E. AllenDear Friends

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Yours of the 24th was received about dark last night and was glad to hear from you. I am well and hope these few lines will find you the same There is nothing that does us so much good as to get a letter and I am thankful that I get about as many as anybody else in our Company I received three last night. I tell you it

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keeps me a writing almost all of my spare time and I am glad of it for it keeps me from being homesick and that is a good thing out here you know. Since I last wrote we have moved as you preceive and have had a couple of Skermishers the last was a week ago last Saturday we started about dark to drive the rebels out of Falls Church, and Munsoons Hill, one event about four miles then halted in a [peice] of wood and sent out a few Skermishers about one hundred yards ahead of us to give the alarm if any to be given we had not been there but a short time before we had some [   ] work you see there was two Regiments ahead of us and a few Cavelry men that we knew nothing about and when these fellows came back the troops ahead of us thought them to be some of the rebels so they fired into them at this the Cavelry men thought

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us to be rebels in turn and fired back and made a charge upon us and I tell you the way that they flew around our heads was a caution there was one horse night close to when I stood and two more a little way below there was quite a number of men killed and wounded but there was none killed in this Regiment but a few wounded there was three wounded in this Company besides myself I only got a cut [acros] the bridge of my nose with a bayonet it is quite a cut but that is nothing for next morning we drove the rebels as far back as we to when we started from Camp and got back on Monday afternoon all nights we expect an attack will be made by one party or the other very soon and we are all longing for it and I presume that they are as fast as we are get a prisoner every once in a while and they take one some

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from us but all these things a Soldier must expect I suppose that you know that the 4th and 5th Regiments are out here with us and I tell you what we have some [      ] times that is for the chance that we have there is not much agoing on here now so I must stop you must excuse this short note I have two more letters to write to day this is the second already receive this with must love

FromAlbert May

as Before

