N. A. M. Dudley to William C. Holbrook

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His Excellency
Gov. Holbrook


Camp "Williams" La.Sept. 24th 1862Dear Father

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Before this letter reaches you, you will probably have seen Gen. Phelps & Dr. Kelly. I have been so much engaged that I I have not found time to write until now.

Since last writing there has been a vacancy in Co. "G". caused by the resignation of 1st Lieut. Howard. I would recommend for promotion 2d Lieut. Leonard P. Bingham Co. "G" to be made 1st Lieut. of said "G". Co. vs. Howard resigned & 2d Sergt. Frank N. Tinney to be made 2d Lieut of said "G". Co. vs. Bingham

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promoted. I wish you would please forward their commissions as soon as possible as their services in those capacities are very much needed. I suppose there will be several other vacancies soon as a great many of the old line officers are permanantly disabled fromby disease contracted in the swamps at Vicksburg. this summers campaign has thinned our ranks sadly a great many of our men will have to be discharged especially the old men & premature boys. I have sent the names of several officers to Gen. Butler to be detailed on recruiting service in Vt. I expect it will

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be extremely difficult to get men to come into this Depart. & this Regt. since the issue of that infamous "Order".

We are being "paid off" to-day. I sent my alloted pay home by Dr. Kelly I hope to be able to rewoke the allotment rolls of the officers. I had supposed our alloted pay was sacred, but it seems that Gen. B - has power to convert it & anything else he [        ]forinto my purpose that may suggest itself to him. I wish you would acertain if the Depart. at Washington intend to give us a Court of Inquiry as soon as I have proven the aspersion of the Gen. Comy to be false. I shall tender my resignation, with a full conviction

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that this war was brought on by rascals & can be settled by them. I have discharged my duties as well & faithfully as I could as all will admit. but my education never fitted me to serve in a Depart. where everything is so repugnant to my feelings in a Depart. where merit is distributed to all equally that deserve it I should be satisfied to serve, but in this Depart. I am sorry to say such principles are ignored. I dont suppose my resignation would be accepted here in that case I should request that it be sent to Washington & I have not much doubt but with your influence it would be accepted. My health is very good. Much love to all at home

I am
Your Aff SonW C Holbrook

