William C. Holbrook to Frederick Holbrook

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His Excellency
Gov. Holbrook


In Camp Metarie RidgeNear Carrollton La.August 27th 1862Dear Father

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Your letter of the 10th I rec. last night I wrote a reply last night, but owing to changes that have occured today, I will not send that letter. Col. Fullam has resigned & his resignation is accepted. consequently I am in command of the regt. Gen. Butler approves of my being made Col. of this regt. I would recommend Capt Peck to be made Lt. Col. as to Major I will wait

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a day or two until I can find out the felling of the officers it will be safe enough to make Capt. Peck Lt. Col. it will be a popular move. I will send recommendations for other vacancies tomorrow or next day. I write this in great haste as it goes tomorrow morning. I am very busy settling affairs in the regt.

Much love to all at home

Your Aff SonW C Holbrook

