Volney S. Fullam to Frederick Holbrook

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Head Quarters 7th Vt. InfantryBaton Rouge La.Aug. 18. 1862.Dear Sir

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Several deaths having occurred among the Officers of this regiment, in comformity with custom & obidience to General Orders from Department Head Quarters, as Commandant of the regt. I respectfully transmit a list of such persons as I would recommend for promotion to supply vacancies viz

1st If the vacancy occasioned by the death of Col. George T. Roberts is to be filled in the usual way.

2nd William C. Holbrook Maj. to Lt. Col. vice Lt. Col. V. S. Fullam promoted

3rd Capt. David B. Peck C. H. to Major viz Maj. Holbrook promoted

4th 1st Lt. Darren A. Smalley Co. B. Act. Adjt. to Capt Co. H. viz Capt. Peck promoted

5th 1st. Lt. Edgar N. Bullard Co. F. to Capt Co F. viz Capt. Lorenzo D. Brooks deceased

6th 1st Lt. Charles Clark Co. J. to Capt Co. J viz Capt Charles C. Ruggles deceased

7th 2nd Lt. Austin E. Woodman Co. J to 1st Lt. Co. B viz Lt. Darren A. Smally promoted

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8th 2nd Lt. Jackson V. Parlar Co. B. to 1st Lt. Co. F. viz Lt. Bulland promoted

9th 2nd Lt. Leonard P. Bingham Co. G to 1st Lt. Co. J viz Lt. Clark promoted

10th 1st Sergt. Judson P. Horrard Co. J to 2nd Lt. Co. B. viz Lt. Parker promoted

11th Sergt. Major Giorje Brown to 2nd Lt. Co. E. viz 2nd Lt. Richard T. Cull deceased

12th Color Sergeant Shuman W. Parkhurst Co. J to 2nd Lt. Co. G. viz Lt. Bingham promoted

13th 1st Sergt. Riley B. Stearns Co. H. to 2nd Lt. Co. J viz St. Woodman promoted

In making the above recommendations I have so far as practicable provided for the supplying of vacancies among Captains by the 1st Lts. of the same Cos. the only departion being in Cos of Co. A. the present 1st Lt. of which has tendered his resignation on account of ill health having been off duty for nearly two months these are also according to [        ] except in this & one other case when in my judgement the next ranking Lt. does not deserve promotion by reason of unpraisworthy conduct at the battle of the fifth. the other intervening Officers being either absent on detached service, in arrest, or unfit for duty by reason of long continue sickness, sending recovery [         ]

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in making the other nominations I have mentioned those Lieut, & Sergts whose ability, courage, experience, & faithful discharge of duty in the regt. in my opinion make them most diserving following is a list [       ] Company officers as they [    ]stand with the vacancies & proposed alterations viz;

PresentAs proposedCo. A.Capt. David B. Peck
1st Lt. Wm L. Harris
2nd Lt. Hiram B. Fishsick resigned tenderd
sickACapt. Darrin A. Smalley
1st Lt Wm S. Hearrig
2nd Lt. Hiram B. FishCo. B.Capt. Wm Cronan
1st Lt. Darrin A. Smalley
2nd Lt. Jackson V. Parkeracting AdjutantB.Capt. Wm Cronan
1st Lt. Austin E. Woodman
2nd Lt Judson P. HarrardCo C.Capt. Henry M. Porter
1st Lt. Erwin V. N. Hitchcock
2nd Lt. John Q. DickinsonAid de camp Gen Phelps
sickCCapt H M Porter
1st Lt. E. V. N. Hitchcock
2nd Lt. J Q. DickinsonCo. D.Capt. John B. Kilburn
1st Lt Wm B. Throd
2nd Lt. George E. Cooffabsent sick
sickDCapt. John B Kilburn
1st Lt. Wm B. Throd
2nd Lt Geo. W. SheldonCo E.Capt. David Sandon
1st Lt. George W. Sheldon
2nd Lt.absent sick
in arrest resignation forwarded
deceasedECapt. David Landon
1st Lt. Geo. W. Sheldon
2nd Lt. George BrownCo FCapt.
1st Lt. Edgar N. Buzzard
2nd Lt. Rodney C. GatisFCapt. Edgar N. Buzzard
1st Lt. Jackson V. Parker
2nd Lt. R. C. GatisCo G.Capt. Salmon Dutton
1st Lt. Geo. M. R. Horrard
2nd Lt. Leonard P Brighamabsent sick resig. tenderedGCapt. Salmon Dutton
1st Lt. Geo. M. R. Horrard
2nd Lt. Sherman W. ParkhurstCo. H.Capt. Mahlon M. Young
1st Lt. Henry H. French
2nd Lt. George H. Kelleysick
deceasedHCapt M. M. Young
1st Lt. H. H. Henry
2nd Lt. G. H. KelleyCo. I.Capt
1st Lt. Charles Clark
2nd Lt. Austin E. WoodmanICapt. Charles Clark
1st Lt. Leonard P. Bingham
2nd Lt. Riley B. SluamoCo. K.Capt. Davis P. Baxter
1st Lt. John L. Mosely
2nd Lt. Allen Spauldingabsent sick
sickKCapt. David P. Baxter
1st Lt. John L. Mosely
2nd Lt. Allen Spaulding

I have taken care to arrange the above list so as to give at least one competent & energetic officer to each Co.

I have the honor to be
Very Respectfully your obdt. servt.Volney S. Fullam
Lt. Col. Comd. 7th. Vt. [      ]

His Excellency
Frederick Holbrook
Governor of Vermont

