William C. Holbrook to Frederick Holbrook

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His Excellency
Gov. Holbrook


In camp Near VicksburgJuly 23d 1862Dear Father

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I wrote Mother yesterday to mention to you the necessity of you having more medical aid if possible. if the state of Vt. furnish Asst. Surgeon as they did at one time to the Vt regts on the Potomac! they ought to furnish this ret. one at least what condition the 8th Regt is in I dont know. We have a great many sick in this regt. at present. the location is very unhealthy from the constant miasnia that arives from the large amount of decomposing vegatables matter, & the deposit left by the overflow of the river.

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Dr. Kelly was necessarily left at Carrolton with the patient there. he is also acting Brigade Surgeon on Gen. Phelps staff. which appointment he hopes to receive from the Department at Washington. I am afraid he will not get it. as there are so many applicants hanging about there all the time. Dr. Blanchard has done remarkably well with the limited means he has had to do with.

I have greater confidence in his abilities. than I ever had before. he alone has ministered to the 250 sick we have had on hand since our arrival here. the list frequently going higher. by a gross blunder somewhere we came off with half a supply of medicine. I trust it will

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never again recur. I have succeeded in keeping up through all pretty well. by being careful in my did [    ].

Last night one of boats went down the river to return some negroes & on the way back was fired upon by some rebel batteries. Capt S. D. Brooks Co F of this regt. was killed by a shot from one of their guns. the Col. Lt. Col. & other officers were aboard. no one else was injured, I was not aboard.

I [     ] strong steps will be taken to send another Surgeon here for a few months if it is possible. I hope for the good of the regt., Dr K - will not leave it. still I wish him to receive promotion.

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Adjt. Parker has gone home of a sick "leave". I hear he has arrived ind. I expect some changes will take place in the regt. before long as several of the officers have resigned, whether their resignations will be accepted or not I dont know. I think the best way will be to direct your letters as before. as I shall get them that way soonest.

With much love to all at home

I remain
Your Aff SonW C Holbrook

