William C. Holbrook to Frank

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Ship Island Miss.May 1st 1862Dear Frank

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Yours of the 3d just arrived here yesterday & also the papers which I read with much interest we had received news of a later date than my you sent but had received no particulars. I have got somewhat weaned from civilized life having the news every day & eat & I think now I could live among barbarians with a degree of relish. I rec. mothers letter at the same time as yours. I had not heard a word from home before. I saw Father's fast days proclamation

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however, in a Vt. paper.

I first you will soon hear god startling again from this vicinity. & some of as courageous work as has yet been done especially from the news to work I judge from necessity, will be done mostly by the navy. I hope we shall have, a hand in the deed, but I am fearful we shall be disappointed we are improveing rapidly in drill & efficiency.

We hear glorious news from the west & north the great battle at Shileo & Yorktown but wheather the account we have is but we cannot till you can imagine the suspense must be delicate

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this is a good place for [       ] people. I think mother would infuse some enterprize into some things if She was in command here. I hope we shall soon have an overland route, & in fact I think we shall seem are likely to have our hopes satisfied, we have some fighting timber in this division which will soon be established.

We have gunboats here, that do deed of valor every day equal to the privateer's of 1812 I havent space nor time to expatiale here, to much extent. but when I return (if I ever do) I shall have some "long guns to spin" about their flats. let people

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that are constantly accusing the navy of indolence & slumber come here a few day & if they dont see activily & energy combined with as deperate courage as they ever thought of seeing then I am mistakened.

I sent the cartridges by the pilot the morning we sailed. directed then care Col. Howe. the pilot promised to deliver them. I much prefer the French revolver we looked at but you can use your own discretion about it. I much love to some the baby, & all at New Nourves

Your aff. BrotherW. C. Holbrook

P. S. The sanitary condition of our regt. is excellent & generally very good my condition is stupendous Dr M sends regards

