Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Marine Hospital New OrleansMarch 6th 1863Dear Sister;

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I have just finished reading your kind letter of the 14th and will improve this eavening in writing an ans- wer to your letter. You said you hoped your letter would find my hand all healed up. I am happy to tell you that it found it even so; it has been healed over for two or three days - it has got so that I could do duty with it but am waiting to get my pay here before I go to the regt if I dont get it here I shant get it till next pay day; my hand hasent been so bad any of the time so but I could fight rebels if I should come in contact with them. I dont wonder the 8th has a big name up there if they beleive all such I have sold out of watches - have got buy me anotherMarch 7 I am well and down to the Post office I will send you a bit of our kind of change New Orleans City horse car ticket.

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stories as the one about taking 1,000 prisoners; there hasent been any fight about here since the 14th Jan., if they think the 8th done a smart thing in driving the rebs from the pitts what would they think if the whole regt. had done as much accordingly as the 20 or 25 that actually done what was done. I should not be surprised at all if we done some more fighting near the same place again soon. I expect there will be a move on Port Hudson shortly.

About that company Oh wouldent I like to have been there! I should like to see you all; I was thinking a few days ago about Marilla and the boy. I wish I knew where to send a letter to Marilla I would write to her; please write if you know where her address is. I sleep right side of her cousin Robinson Lebarron - he was taken prisoner one year to day since we left Vt.

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About the Capt. - now Capt. Grout has got to Major, Lieut McFarland is Capt., Lieut. Huchinson is 1st Lieut. Seargent Cooper 2nd Lieut., Sargt. Carpent er is orderly. out of our comp. that left Vermont there is 11 Commisioned offi- cers beside Maj. Grout and Lieut. Rand that died. I am verry glad that Rufuses folks think so much of his high office; I believe the rest of the Elmore boys think that a privates birth in the bloody 8th is higher than a commission in a nigger regt.

You need not feel bad about that box for I have enough to eat and get enough to wear; if I had any thing better to eat I think I should get to big and lazy to live.

I suppose by the time this gets to you Harlow will be thinking about sugaring tell him to eat about ten pounds the first he makes for me.

Tell Lyman I wish he would get Herberts that little rose smelt as sweet as could be

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picture taken siting on little Jennies back and send it to me; wouldent it look cunning.

I think Augusta has done well; by the time I get home old Jack will be dead- and then I can take her and have a nice woman beside all old Jacks property; wont that be nice? ha (Perhaps a though I shall take home a yaller gall [small drawing] with me) I dont think of any thing more to write this time. I guess I get all of the letters that are sent me but seames a good while some times before they get here. give my respects to all at home and all friends that enquire after the boy. write as often a you can afford to and are able to. Please except this with the love of your Brother

I dont expect Lyman will get any such thing taken.

J. F. Gale

direct the same as your last until I write different

