Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Sunday Feb. 22ndDear Sis,

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I take my pen again this pleasant Saboth morning to spend a portion of this dearly prized day in writing to you; how many times I think of the many pleasant days I have passed in little Elmore in gone by days - in going to the house of worship and there listen to the preaching of our Dear pastors; but such days are gone with me for the presant; If I have an opportun ity of hearing a sermon from any of our Chaplains it doesent seam but verry little like going to the old Church and there listen to the reading of the scriptures, the singing of his praises etc. there is nearly nothing to encourage the christian onward - but much to draw him from the right way.

I will send you a few more rebel needles for fear you would get out of needles.

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but for all of this - and although we are deprived of the comforts of meeting together and being blessed and enjoy a proftible season together - yet we can put our trust in that strong arm- and I can say that I trust in that almighty arm- and feel that I am kept by his power - and feel that if it be his good pleasure to spare my life that he is abundantly able to preserve me although I am exposed to the most hazerdious dangers.

I have now been enlisted 17 months and during all this time have been cir- rounded by many temptations hearing the most wicked oathes - having many invitations to play cards - take a drink of whiskey etc! but I have yet to play my first game of cards and to take my first drink of liquor except when we were of on marches last August when we were almost melted then I drank a little of the called sparkling good for you.

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I dont wish to boast of my good qua- lities - but consider my carecter of just as much importance here as at home. This State is the worst place for drinking of any place I ever heard of. liquor is just as common here as watter is in Vt; you can hardly go by a door in this City without seeing the glass and bottles siting on the bar; there is about as many women here that get drunk as there is men in the north that get drunk.

There has been considerable rain here of late but to day it is pleasant with a cool bracing wind; I suppose you will see the picture I sent Mother a few days ago - I dont think I nead to tel you that I am well for that will show for its self if it dont get spoiled before it gets there. I dont think of much more to write this time. tel Br. Case I will write to him soon; I will

I wrote to Father the other day and directed to East Montpelier

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put a paper in the office with this to send to him; it is a new paper hasent been published but a few days; give him and family my best wishes and regards; give David James Hiram & Harrison my thanks for their kind wishes etc.

There is little Herbert I havent said a word about him; I wish I coul see him how big is he and how much does he weigh; give him the love of his uncle Jut who is weigh down in Dixie.

Give my love to Lyman & Mira and all enquiring friends; please write often and oblige. this from your brother who often thinks of you.

J. F. Gale

P.S. Direct to Co.. A
8th Vt Vols
New Orleans
Leave of care of
Capt Grout

