Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Feb 10th 1863Good morning Meda,

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After my visit to the City yesterday I thought of fin- ishing my letter to you; but there not being much time - and besides this I found myself some what tired after traveling most of the time from 9 O’clock till three P. M. I concluded to postpone till this morning. I thought there was quite a diference in the City now and when we first landed in it the 12th of last May. I went into a good many stores and shops yester day that last May was allmost entirely empty - that are now filled and doing good business.

I traveled a most through the best part of the City - I saw a great many nice things and that is all the

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good they done me. I dident get into only one bad scrape - and that was a terible conflict with a custerd pie; the engagement only lasted for a few minutes and I fairly cleared the field.

I carried my watch to a jewelers shop to be cleaned - got to pay two dollars just twice what it would cost in Vt. every thing a most costs double what it does at the north. You tell Mother I have got some thing I am going to send to her the next time I write to her; you get get her to guess what it will be and write to me what she thinks it will bee; I dont know as she will think it worth any thing to her - but I couldent think of any thing else that I could send in a letter.

My health is first rate - I dont know but if they dont set me work soon I shall get so big and lazy

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that they will have to keep me to the hospital. my hand is some better - is doing well now for a few days past.

I dont thnk of any thing more to write this time - and think I have wrote enough to bother you as much as you thought yours would me I hope you will keep bothering me in just that way.

If this gets to you and you read it you may just say then that you have read a sheet of paper that has travailed from home to New Orleanes and back again; it is one that Samantha sent me in a letter. give my love to all and except a large share your self.

please write often and oblige
your aff Brother J. F. Gale

