Justus F. Gale to Mother

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Camp Steven8th Regt. V. V. MCo.. A30th Jan 1863Dear Mother,

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It is with pleasure that I take my pen to write you a few lines once more; I am well except what ailes me; I havent got so as to do any duty yet; my hand doesent get but little better yet - it doesent pain me any to speak of. I suppose the reason it dont heal up is my blood being out of order the sore begins to heal a little; I think it will come round all right bine by. I recd a letter from Almeda and one from Lyman dated Jan 12th. Lyman wrote me about the trade he had made with Father.

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I hope that he will enjoy himself better and I think it will be better for you all - since things have turned up all round as they have. I often think of what a change there has been in our family within the last 18 months; eighteen month ago I was at home - Brother Charlie was alive and we were all to home toget- her; but now Charlie is dead oh can it bee - and I am down in La Father I suppose is about to leave. in 16 month if nothing turns up new my time will be out in the army and if I should be alive I probable shall return home; but what a change there may bee before that time; but I hope our merciful Creator will smile on the broken fragments of our family. I trust that he who doeth all things well will bring us safely through at last - and it will prove for our good.

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I recd a letter from Cousin Reuben Nichols a few days ago; he was in Mass with Anna; I also had a letter from Emma Gale; I am expecting some more from other friends but they dont come verry fast.

We are encamped in tents here, it isent so convenient as when we were in houses, how long we shall stop here I dont know; we have good fare - good bread - some fresh beef &c; It is verry pleasant warm days - but rather cool nights.

Feb 1st /63
Good morning Mother and all the rest. I hope that you are well and happy this morning; I am well as usual and will improve a few moments this Saboth morning in writ ing a few lines more to you; the regt are all out on inspection this morn There is quite a difference between the Saboth day here and in Vermont.

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The most sure way that we know when Sunday comes is by inspection or else by moving; a most every move we have made has been made on Sun- day. I wrote to Samantha that I would send her a ring in her letter but I guess she dident get it with the letter; I forgot to put it in; I will send it in this if I dont forget it again; I wish I had something suit- able to send you for a presant, perhaps I shall find something before long. The Elmore boys are all usually well. I dont think of much more to write this time; I some expect we shall move again soon; you need not be woried if you dont here from us every week. give my respects to enquiring friends; my love to all at home; please write as soon as you get this; please except this with my love; this from your Son

J. F. Gale

