Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Head Quarters 8th Regt. Vt. Vols.Co... ABrashear CityJany. 1st 1863

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Dear Sister.

Good morning; I wish you a happy New Year - and douptless this is the sentiment of every heart at my green mountain home in Vermont.

When I awoke this morning the first thing I heard was - wish you happy new year - happy new year; a thought struck my mind with considerable solemnity. During the past year I with many others have known some thing what it is to be a Soldier but I must acknowledge that our regt. has been wonderfull lucky during their campaign thus far;

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While other regts. have been called again & again to face the enemy and have had their numbers greatly diminished - we have lost but few. What another year will bring forth is yet untold. Well enough of this.

I received your kind letter of the 14th the 28th was glad to hear that you were so comfortable well; I esteem it a privilage of telling you that I am well except a sore on my hand cau sed by taking cold in boil that had got nearly well.

The Elmore boys are all well as usual; Charlie says he has wrote home four times but they dont write of getting only one. I shall write to Brother Cooper soon. Samantha said she had sent me 4 Freemans this fall; I think I havent recd only two of them. We get N York papers here now so that we get the news sooner than you can send them from home.

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I am verry much obliged to you for those verses - they are verry good give my respects to Sister Bailey.

After diner Wesley Stephen and myself had a fine dinner to day; we bought some onions got some sweet potatoes - had some gravy to go with them - topt of on bread and butter - sometimes have pie & chease for supper say nothing about the salt junc mule beef. now talk about Soldiers fairing hard and living poor.

About the box - Samantha wrote that they were going to send one; if you send one I shall want you to send me a couple pair of socks and a pair of striped shirts such as Jesper used to wear, and a pound of black pepper. I have got $16.50 due me for clothing that I havent drawed. I will try and send some more money home to pay for the things you get me. You need not hurry about them any time before warm weather or if you dont send it at all I shall do
well enough.

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I should like to see little Herbert & dear Charlies picture; I guess I must write to Lyman to send me Herberts picture for he is growing so fast and so smart that I shant know him. I dont think of much more to write this time; It is fine pleasant weather here not much as it was whare I was last new year. Give my respects to David and all enquiring friends. give my love to Father and tell him I shall write soon, my love to Mother Samantha Lyman and family and except this with my love. please write often and oblige your brother

J. F. Gale

(To Almeda)

