Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Bayou Beuff Nov 14th/62Co. A. 8th Reg. Vt. VolsDear Sister

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After so long a time I seat myself to write you a few lines to let you know that I am in the land of the living and enjoying good health. I suppose it has been far different with you as far as health is concerned; I am sorry that you have such a hard time of being sick and all the rest to; I hope you will excuse me for neglecting to write to you for so long a time for I havent had time to write but a little for a long time and then I have had to write to Father & Lyman about buis- ness affairs. our regt has been out on an excursion for three weeks with nuthing but our blankets with us. I should not have any thing to write

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with to if it were not for a letter that I got from Emma Gale. She sent this sheet of paper in her letter and I borrowed a pen - so I think I should make out to send you a letter, I recd a letter from Lyman dated the 19th which came to hand the 12th I was glad to hear from you all again but wished that I could heard that you was all well & smart but this world truly is a world of trouble and sorrow. I suppose you will want to know how we fair when we are out on such excursions; we have faired first rate so far - we help our selves to any thing we want to eat that belongs to the rebels. we kill beefs hogs sheep chickens &c all we want have bread sent us from Algiers so you see we get enough to eat. It is nice and warm weather here this fall - havent had any rain for a long time. there has been two cold snaps that lasted for 3 or 4 days and was cold enough so that we have had frost

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I dont think of much news to write our regt are expecting to go back to Algiers soon - we are guarding a bridge here at this bayou til some more troops can get here – this is 73 ms from Algiers on the railroad toward Texas. The Elmore boys are all well as com mon – we have got the box that was sent us – I just looked over the stuff you sent me when I went down to Algiers to guard a car load of rum as I mentioned in a previous letter to Father. every thing came nice & in good shape. I was a little disappoint ted in not finding some of Mothers cheese but never mind - I can buy cheese here but not like Mothers cheese you wrote to me & wanted to know what I wanted done with Charlies clothes; you can do what you think best with them; but I should think best to keep the best of them for if I get home I shall want to see some thing that looks a little like dear Charlie

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Almeda wrote something about the watch. you may take the watch and take care of it to remember whare your brother Jut is - and of course will think of Dear Brother Charlie. Lyman wrote that he thought they should let out the farm - I think that will bee the best thing that can be done with it. has Lyman got the picture that was sent to me. I put it in a letter and sent it back after the death of Chas. I havent had a chance to get my picture taken yet but shall do so as soon as I have a chance it will be the same old face if it is taken right. I dont think of any thing more to write at this time. please write as soon as you get this if you are able. tell Mother to write to me as soon as she is able. give my love to Almeda & Mother and all the rest and except a large share your self; give my respects to the hired girls & hired man although perhaps I never saw them. perhaps never shall. write often and oblige your Brother

J. F.Gale

