Justus F. Gale to Mother

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Miss Almeda A. Gale


8th Regt. Vt. Vols Co AAlgiers LaOct. 25th/62Dear Mother.

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I will take my pen once more to write a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope these few lines will find your health at least much better than it was when I last wrote. I havent any news to write this time only that five Companys of our regt. are under marching orders to day – to go up the rail road – how far up we shall go I dont know; our Co & Co. B went up yesterday further than any one has been since our Co. got smashed up so on the cars.

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we saw nothing of any rebels or any thing of the kind; we retur ned without firing a gun all safe and sound. we have been waiting all the fore noon for a regt of Contraba- nds to come over from the other side of the river to go up with us to take the lead; we probable shall bee gone over night, I havent recd any letter from home since the one Almeda wrote the 28th of Sept. I should have wrote to you before this time but for the last 4 or 5 days w have been so buisy that I havent had time to write. we have to bee on guard so much – and then this week Uncle Sams money box came around and that drew the attention of us all and yester- day we was gone all day – so you must excuse me this time and

I shall have to direct this to Almeda - for I dont know how to direct to you now you & Father have seperated.

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also excuse this short poor letter for I have to write fast and in all the buscle of the regt. getting ready to leave for our excursion. I have thought a great deal about you since I heard that you and Charlie was sick and have wished many times that I could have been there to take care of you – but you must except my best wishes and hope with me for the future we only received the three dollars a month that we dident alot; we recd. 4 moth pay – I hope it wont bee as long before before you will get this as it has been since we got the other two mon ths pay & I dont know as you have got it yet. the Elmore boys are all well and in good spirits; I will close for this time; please except this as

I shall write again soon; please write as soon as you get able.

from your affectionate SonJ. F. Gale

