Justus F. Gale to Sister & Friends

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Miss Almeda Gale


8th Vt Vols. Co. AAlgiers LaSeptember 24th/62Dear Father,

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I take my pen once more to write a few lines to you to let you know that I am well and hope these lines will find you enjoy ing the same blessings; It is with feelings of deep interest and anxiety that I attempt to write this morning - for since I last to you I am aware there has been a sad change in circumstances with you and all of the affairs at home; when I think of the friends I left at home – I can hardly believe that dear Brother Charley is taken away.

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but such is the case - and how many more before this time I know not - but hope not any. I received a letter yesterday from Samantha - and was glad to hear from you all – and that Mothers simpto ms was a little better although I should not be disappointed at any time to hear that she was gone like Brother Charles little did I think that last time I wrote to Charley that he was under the circumstances that he was – but truly we know not to day what the morrow may bring forth. Samantha that they wanted if it was a possible thing for me to get a disch- arge – to get it and come home – for I was verry much needed at home now; - I have no doubt but what I am neaded verry much – and I wish I could bee there to take care of you under the trying scenes you

dont worry about me or the reports you hear about our regt for we are having good fair and are in pretty safe conditions now.

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are passing through on account of sickness – but to think of getting a discharge is something that war men know nothing about as long as any one can stir and keep about it is almost a thing impossible for a sick or disabled man to get a discharge - much less a man that is well and able to do duty. I hope that this bloody and unne- ssicary war may be closed up before it gets many more engaged in it – for I sometimes think if it is not closed soon it will only end in a long and fearfull struggle. how awful it seams to think that so many must spill their blood on the account of Slavery – but may it all be wiped from our land and these blacks bee sent to some place and colonized into a nation of their own – for if you knew as much about them as I do you would never

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want them to scatter all over the united States to get a living whare they could find it. I dont think that Slavery is right no more than I ever did – and I hope it will bee put to an end – but I have seen as much, of the dirty nasty creatures as I care about; I will say no more about the nigers this time. I suppose by what I have heard by a letter that Wesley got that you have got a bill from Mother, I havent heard any thing about it only that the court had given you a bill? I am sorry that any thing of the kind should happen; but I hope all things will work out for good – and alth- ough this world is a world of sorrow and disappointment I hope that it will bee our happy lot to meet in a brighter world above whare sorrow will never enter. I want you to write me as soon as you get this

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and write all about how you are getting along with the place and other affairs – and if it is nessicary to make any change to carry on the place now Brother Charley has fin- ished up his labor on earth. you and Lyman must what you think will bee for the best. I havent heard but little about how crops was coming in – or how you got along about money; I suppose it is hard times for money and most produce is verry low this fall. we havent been paid off yet – there is a most five months pay due us now they keep telling of paying us but dont come yet. Samantha wrote that she had the same symptoms of a fever that Chas. had before he was taken sick – I hope she wont have the fever for I fear it would go hard with her – and I think you must have all you can

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attend to now. tell Mother if she is still living that I think much about her – and wish I could see her – but she must excuse me for I am far away; I think much about you all – and how loneso- me it must bee now. it seams to me if I should ever get home that it would not seam like home to find no Dear Charley there. give my love to all; write often as you can; excuse this poor writing for my paper and pen are booth poor. I remain your affectionate son & well wisher

J. F. Gale

