Justus F. Gale to Sister & Friends

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8th Regt, Vt, Vols. Co AAlgiers LaSeptember 9th 1862Dear Sister and Friends

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I seat myself this morning to write a few lines in answer to the letter I received last evening. I was very much pleased when they called over the names of them that had letters, to hear my name called with the rest - for it had been so long since I have had a letter from home; but when I came to open and read it you may be assured my feelings were altogether changed; Samantha wrote she hoped these lines would fine me well & happy, they did so, but it is with the feelings of deep anxiety that I write these lines. I would give all I am worth to have been at home to took care of Mother & Charley while they were

I shall write again as soon as I get another from you.

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sick. but that is out of my power now. I hardly know what or how to write this morning but trusting all in the hands of him who is able to do all things I hope these lines will find Mother & Charley in better health than when you wrote to me; I hope that you will spare no mon ey or pains for their recovery and I trust you have done so; I wrote to Lyman the other day that I dident know as I wanted to come home til the war was over, but I wish that I could have been home to took care of Dear Mother and Chas. while they was sick, but I hope they wont feel as if I hadent no anxiety about them or the rest of you. I should hate to bee in Vt now and have to bear the name of a coward and take all the blaggarding that I heard some of the boys reading in the Hyde Park News Dealer last eavening about those that are going to the Dr and getting certificates to clear them from military duty. I hardly know what is going to become

tel Father and all the rest that I am sorry any such thing should ever happen, but all that we do let us do it all to the honor and glory of God and then all will be well.

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of this war, it looks rather hard now days. the garillas are getting verry bold about here, but I think they will repent of it some day. I heard a report this morning that the 21st Ind regt have taken 400 of them prisoners. I hope they will take and hang every one of them. you will probably see the letter I wrote to Lyman a few days ago before this reaches you. our men that was taken prisoners a few days ago I dont expect have gone to Texas there has a few got away from them and got back to camp, Sargent Morse that was taken prisoner when the cars was fired into was taken away from them by the Indiana boys and brought it down here and 7 others with him. he had a flesh wound in his right leg., he will get over it in a few weeks. I saw him yesterday he is comfortable and doing well. I think Gen Butler will send out force enough soon to clear out the garillas about here.

it is pleasant weather here and warm for September

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the boys of our Co. that got hurt on the cars are doing well they havent had any limbs taken of. the Elmore boys are all in camp now. Charley came up from the hospital day before yesterday, he is doing well. Wesley Stephen and myself are all well and harty I never enj- oyed better health in Vt. than I have here for the last 4 or 6 weeks. Wesley received the letter Samantha wrote to him. he has answered it I believe, Tel Mother & Charley if they should bee alive when this gets to you, that I want to see them very much and I want to see the rest of you too. give my love to Lyman & Mira and tell them I am thankful to them for their kindness in taking care of the sick ones while I am way down here so far from home & friends. give my love to all & except the same your self. excuse me for not writing mor in this letter to M & C for I dont know whether I am writing to the living or to the dead.

write as soon as you get this and all about how you all get along and what Father has done.

Yours in hasteJ .F. Gale

