Justus F. Gale to Sister
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Miss Samantha A. Gale
Elmore LamoileCo. Vermont
LafourcheJune 14th/628th Reg Vt Vols Co. ADear Sister
I received yours & Fathers letters of the 18th and was glad to hear from you. It
has been some time since I have had a letter from you. our Company have moved 52
miles from Algeers out into the country in a south west direction. we are garding a
place where the rebels burnt a bridge on the railroad. I suppose you have heard by
the letters I have wrote before that we have moved from the city of New Orleans a
cross the river to Algeers and now we are here. there is three co. of us here and two
more about 4 or 5 miles
from here and the rest are to algeers how long we
shal stop here I cant tel but think we shal go back to Algeers again soon and some
other co. take our place; my health is good yet I am to work in the about
the cooking yet; when we were at Algeers we had a nice shady place to cook but here
we have to work out in the hot sun; Charley and I have to work alone as Mr Beard is
left to algeers to cook for the sick that are there; there isent any of our Co. that
are verry sick but the climate does not agree with some of them the watter we have to
drink is such that it is verry phth- isicing and keeps them weak; there is a story
here and has been in the papers that they are rais- ing another Regiment in Vermont
but I cant beleive it is so yet write to me if it is so. Stephen got a
letter from his folks dated the 25th and learnt of the fires of Mr Arbuccles and
Francis Peck; I am glad to hear that you are getting along with the work and buisness
so well at home I think you are all doing wel as you can to take care of my things;
Stephens folks wrote that they heard I wrote that I had rather be to work on my farm;
I dont want you should think that I am home sick or discouraged for that isent so
with me; I like the bisness verry wel for it is just lacy enough to suit me now I
have got used to it; we have enough to eat and that that is good of the kind: we have
fresh beef twice a week and soft bread every other day
we can get
blackberrys new potatoes and the like. we have changed our hard bread for milk and
the like some so we are fairing bretty well. I beleive I havent got but one letter
from Lyman since I left N. York and only the one I just got from home since May 3d we
are all in good spirits. write often; I must close give my love to all.
I wil direct this to you as I have just sent one to Father yours in haste; write more about the bisness to home.
Justus F. Gale