Justus F. Gale to Father

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June 14th 1862Dear Father

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As I missed the chance of sending this letter to day I wil write a few lines more to you. I was glad to hear from you and that your health is so good; I am enjoying good health now and have been wonderfully favored thus far: although I have seen some rather poor days: since I have been to work about the cooking I have felt better than I did before; I havent had any other duty to do since I commenced cooking; the place where we are stopping now is only a small ville with several large plantations near by; the boys slip out occasionally slip out in the night and bring in some new potatoes a few chickens & some eggs and the like.

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we havent pitched our tents since we left the Island: we have stopped in bildings depots cars and the like; I have slept every night but one in freight cars for two weeks: they are as comfortable as our tents are: the weather is verry dry and getting bretty warm but not so warm as commonly is here. I havent seen a rainy day since we left Vermont only a few showers. our regiment has to do considerable gard duty but dont have any drilling to do; there was a slave driver taken here this nooning and broug ht here for shooting a slave. our officer talked with him a little while and let him go; it is enough to make ones hearts blood chill to hear some of the slaves tell how they are whipped and into stalks and the like; there was a young fellow (a slave) about 12

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years old that came into our regiment a few days ago and his master found him and got him home and prommised that he wouldent punish him but when he got him back he gave him fifty lashes and put him into the irons and said he should keep him there a week and give him so many lashes every day but our men went up and liberated him from his confinement. there is another boy that some of our Co. found in the woods one day and took him to our camp: he had run away from his master and had been in the woods for three days: he is a smart darky and is helping Charley and I bring watter and wood &c he is going to Vermont with us if he can get there.

Sabbath day 15 I am wel & tough this pleasant day: although it seems but little

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like Sabbath days in Vermont. Chas & I have fried about half a bushel of pork after it was sliced up for breakfast & made coffee & I have got washed up and it is now half past ten o’clock; Charley & Corporal Holbrook of Hyde Park & I had all the sweet potatoes we wanted for breakfast and over a dozen of fried eggs so you may guess we had a bully old breakfast. there is hardly any differeance here between Sabbath day & other days; I havent heard a searman preached for a number of weeks; it almost bothers me to tel when Sabbath comes almost around. It is now almost time for me to go & make some coffee for dinner; Stephen is gone a blackberreying to day and Wesley is going on picket gard to night. we hear all kinds of rumors about the war here but I presume you get news more correct in Vermont than we do here; when any of you write please write what they think the prospect is about the war being closed up for we would give more to know what comes in the Vermont papers than all they print in the South; some of the boys get the News Dealer but there isent much in that only trash about six months old.

June 18th
we have got back to Algeers all well and safe: came back last night at 11 oclock give my love to all and remember I remain your effectionate son and friend. please write often

I have just got a letter from Lyman dated April 27

J. F. Gale

