Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Miss S. A. Gale
ElmoreLamoille CountyVermont


Steamer State Granite8th Vt Reg Co AMarch 7th 1862Dear Sister

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I wil write a line to let you know where I am. I left Camp Holbrook the 6th at half past one in P.M. at half past 9 in the eave I found my self at New Haven Conn. we there took Steamer for N. Y. it is now a little past 2 O clock in the morn at six we shal be at N. Y. there is some talk that we

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shal stop at N Y 2 or 3 days and then sail for Ship Island. we had a pleasant ride on the cars. had a nice treat Springfield Mass saw many Ladies which cheerd us with their smiles and kind words. it is nice riding on the watter to night no hard winds are blowing. my health is good now have got red of my cold. there has not been much snow since I was at home. down through Mass there is only just snow enough to make it good sleigh ing, about 12 or 15 inches, & at new haven only enough to cover the ground. I pitty the folks that have to live in Elmore this

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year to dig through the snow. I received your welcom letter the mor we left Camp and was glad to hear from you all. I presume you have got the letters I sent to Father Lyman & Charles a few days ago. and the money I sent home. I want you should write and let me know so that I shant worey. there was 45 rebel officers taken through Springfield the day before we came through there and the lowest officer was a Major. they was taken at fort donnilson. I began to think when I got on board the steamer and went out on deck and looked over the other vessels (what I could in the night)

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that before I got to Ship Island that I should see some- thing more than is to be seen in Elmore or Vermont (exce- pt snow) I think much of the folks that I have left at home but thinking perhaps that It wil not be long before rebellian wil be put down and I shal have an opp- ortunity to come and think that our freedom wil not be distur- bed it gives me courage to per- cevere trusting in him who is able to rule all things and keep all that trust in him. the Elmore boys are all wel our Company was all able to come with us but one. excuse this poor writing for it goes by water Direct as before til you have further information. please write soon and oblige your bub

J. F. Gale