Justus E. Gale to Father

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Mr Jonas Gale


Camp HolbrookCo. A 8 Vt RegBrattleboroMar 4th/62Dear Father

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I now find myself verry comfortable and wil try & write you a few lines. as I am acting as orderly for the Col- onel and while he is gon to the street to dinner I wil buisy my self in writing to you. I am in his tent all a lone without any one to joggle or disturb. I have got nearly over my cold and am feeling quite wel. I expect that we are to leave hare soon tomorrow or next day. we shal go to New York and there take shiping to the far south. I suppose that Lyman

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has received the money that I sent him by Mr Huchison & also what I sent to Charles by Mr Woodbury. I donot think of much news to write this time: there is not much a going on in the Reg. now but getting ready for a start. we have had quite a rain and snow storm last night more rain than snow. I expect you have had a goodeal of snow & blow up there since I was at home by what I have seen here. if we leave here as soon as I think now we shal I presume that I shal not write again here. I think I shal write again when we get to New York. I want you should all besure and write to me & not stop because we are going to leave here:

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the letters wil be sent from here to us where ever we may be. I do not think of much more to write this time give my love to all and except the same your self this is from your unworthy son and child

J. F. Gale
Jonas Gale

direct the same as before.