Justus F. Gale to Brother

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Mr Chas. J. Gale
Elmore Vt


Camp HolbrookCo A 8th Vt RegBrattleboroFeb 27 Dear Brother

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I wil write a few lines to let you know that I have arived at camp I was until twenty minutes past seven when I got to Worcester corners. I stayed to D Masseys over night & started before six the next morn for Montpelier. I found plenty of snow over Eagle ledge & after I got through the woods I had snow & wind both. I found plenty of drifts before I got to M. I didnot leave Montpelier until yesterday morning. I got here at half past

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four. the cars wer all blocked up so I could not come until I did. I had a slow time to get here but I am all right now. my cold is some better than it was when I left home. there has been no snow here since I left: last Monday it rained as hard as it snowed up there. I have thought a goodeal how you would have to work to brake out the roads. but I hope that you wil not have to break roads many months more this winter. I expect we shal have the rest of our pay to morrow. the prospect is that we shal leave here next saturday or soon. expect to go to ship island I thought when I was poking my way throught the snow that

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I you wouldnt catch me up in elmore again this winter but am not sorry that I went home. there is not more than half as much snow here as there is in elmore. I dont think of much more to write this time. write as soon as you get this & write all about the folks how they are getting on for I did not ask half the questions that I wanted to about eny thing. direct your letters the same as you have and there wil be no trouble but what I shal get them eaven if we leave here they wil come to us.

J. F. Gale

(Chas. T. Gale)

