Justus F. Gale to Brother

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Mr Chas. J. Gale


Camp Holbrook8th Reg. Co. ABrattleboroFeb 7th 1862Dear Brother,

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I wil write you a a few lines this eve to let you know what we are about & what are our prospects. we expected to be mustered in yesterday but was not. I dont know when we shal be nor dont care but little the quicker the better. we have been on battalion dril to day dril from 2 til 4. there is a good supply of visitors every pleasant day some just as pretty girls as they make. after dres perade

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to day the Colonel told us of some cheering news in regard to our prospect at the south. he said that the telegraph brought news that Comodore foot & Gen. Grant have bom- barded fort McHenry & there by opned way into Tennesee. fort Henry you are a ware has been a strong hold of the enemy. it seems by reports that as soon as the season and going wil adm- it there must be something done to crush rebelion. when or wh- ere we shal go we dont expect to know til we start. last Monday 12 or 14 of our Co. went down to the ville & had a paddy skirmish they [sumped] all of the Reg down but our little squad had no

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trouble in takeing care of our selves. the Colonel & other officers searched three houses of the pats & found a barrel of rum & carried off. we had no severe trouble but see some les that forty great Irish women one of which I chaged bayonet on to keep her from passing the door that I guarded. we trooped around the ville til noon then had a good dinner to the tavern & went home. our fair is about the same. if any one likes to be confined on bread & watter or bread & stuf called coffee with poor butter once a day they can have enough of that. we have some verry good meals but have hash about twice a day. if you could se them make their hash & cat soup it would make you vomit.

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they grind their meat in a saucage grinder which is tuned by an irish- man and fed in about the same manner meat, grissle, ropes, shirtflaps & all to gether. I swore off on hash the first time that I tried it. our Co. has all been vacinated for the kind pox this morning they say that they have got it down to the ville (the smal pox) it is nice and pleas- ant this morning (the 8th) I suppose by what I have heard that there is more snow & cold weather up there than the is here. I think there is some prospect of getting our pay next week. Samantha wanted to know if Don Grout was going with us, he is not going he went home some time ago. you must not look for me at home for there is so many that want to go that I shal not stand much chance for they wil let but few go home except very urgeant cases. I may send some money by our Orderlys Father he is here & believe he is going to stop here til we get our pay he lives at Worcester Corner Mr Hutchin- son is his name. if I send it so I shal send a letter home. it wil be safe with him. the Elmore boys are all wel & kinky. give my respects to Wilbur & tel him to write to me & I wil answer it as soon as I can. give my love to all. I wish you could come & se our camp & see us dril. I think that you would enjoy it first rate for a few days at least write soon & oblige, from your brother

J. F. Gale


