Justus F. Gale to Sister

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Camp Holbrook8th Reg. Co. A.Jan 30Dear Sister.

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I wil try in return to your kind and welcom letter to write a word to you. I am glad to hear from you & that you are getting better than when I last saw you. I received a letter from Lyman last Monday week they wer all wel. & receieved one from Emma on Monday & yours last eve. It does me a goodeal of good to hear from friends although far from home how thankful we ought to be for this kind of language & for all of the blessings we enjoy in this life. I have not much to write of interest Direct your letter as before, do not hurry about going home if your Doctor is helping you.

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concerning our affairs in camp. our fair is some hard & some not so hard. our drill is not hard but our food is not as good as they have in Verginia so I have been told by some that have been out three months. I can give you but little infermation how long we shal stop here, but heard that the Cornol told one of the Capt. that we should stop here for 4 weeks yet. there is a rumor in camp that we are going to get our pay one week from next frday but have heard that to much to have much confi- dence in it. I am wel except a little cold which I think wil soon wear off. I have found several in the Regiment who live in Barre & Williamstown and heard from our relative. I saw one the boys are in a hurry to get of where they can have something to do to pay uncle Sam for his trouble

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last eve that worked for Holly Gale said they wer all wel & doing wel. I am quite thankful for the compliment you gave me but think perhaps if they could see the immage himself they would think different. I am thinking of writing to Barre to day. I dont know that I am in nead of any thing that you can send me although I should bee verry glad to see some provision as you mentioned about our people sending me, but I presume that I should be just as wel without them. I can live & do wel on coarse food if it is only holsom & clean. give my love to all that enqu- ire after that behoy we have frequent visetors at dres perade. sometimes fifteen or twenty ladies are up to see us in a line of battle.

J. F Gale

