Justus F. Gale to Brother

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Camp HolbrookJan 24/62Brother Charley,

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And all the rest I sit my self upon my bunk with a piece of board in my lap to write a word once more to let you know that I am wel and contented with camp life as I expected: although we are deprived of many things that are pleasant: but under stood that to begin with. we have some thing going on among the boys for amusement and therefore it keeps us from being idle and dul. There is now ten Com. of infantry and one of Artilery. the Com. are not all ful yet: dont know whether they wil wait til they are ful or not. it has been very stormy weather here for a week or more past.

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yesterday it cleared of and this morning it is pleasant and warm for winter. there is about two feet of snow here: it has not drifted here as it does in Elmore or did when I lived there. the hils [shet] in so close to the river along here that the wind has not so long a [swich] as in some places. yesterday I worked down to the village mar king guns and cut my hand on a bayonet enough so that it is sore enough to bother me about writeing. I heard last night that the M O N E Y came to the ville last night to pay us of: & the men to muster us into the serv ice: but I havent seen them yet to day. we are all waiteing patiently til they get ready for us to travel: and when they say the word the wool flies. I am in hopes that the fighting wil be closed up before many months.

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we heard of some good victories won by our army of late and stil are expecting more fighting soon. our Company have most all got back from the hospital and are doing wel. we are under pretty close orders are not alowed to go the out side of the guard unles passed by a Commissioned officer and none can pass in the night wit- hout the pass word. theire is now about one hundred and six or seven in our Co. I wrote a letter last Sunday to Emma Gale but have not received any answer yet. Seargeant U A Woodbury came down here last Monday: is driling us some here: I thought I would write once more and then if I dont get any answer I am going to stop writeing home and go to writeing to some body else. I dont know but you have excuses for not writeing but I would like to here

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from home just as wel as you like to here from me. perhaps you would like to know how many letters I hav had since I came here. wel I hav had one one in four or five weeks. I don’t know but you wil think I am mad but not yet. I dont know of eny thing that I am in need of now: we have got our under close shirts and one pair of socks. we shal have a considerable of a load to carry when we get all of our arms and equipm- ents. they consist of a gun knapsack havre sack canteen fatigue suit oaver coat blanket catriage box and straps enough to make a harness. I gues I havent much reason to complain of our fair for I weigh one hundred and seventy four and half pounds: but dont make any fat on their rag hash.

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Jan 26th 1862

As I have been expecting to send this by U A Woodbury and he has not gone yet I wil try and write a little more. I received a kind & welcome letter from Lyman last yesterday and was glad to here from you all. I have been on guard this A. M. are on about once in 7 or 8 days. theire is a good deal of stormy weather here yet and is blustering to day. I presume you have seen a peice in the New De- aler about our liveing. wel the most I have to say is that it is a true statement about our fair & food say nuthing about the Officers which he spake of. we certain have had potatoes boiled rotten ones and alltogether some as black as my boot when cut intoo, and coffee that our pig would not drink, but we have good bread which is from the baker if it were not for the bread we sho uld fair hard.

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I heard last night that we should not have our fried stake and butter much longer & if that is the case I think that there wil be rebelion in our own green mountain state. we have some verry good meat and butter &c. every Company are diss- atisfied with such fare. if we could have such rations as are allowed by law we would not complain a word I dont know where we shal go when we leave here & I gues none of our officers know, but I think not so far south as we expected. I dont know as I shal send this by Woodbury now for I think he wil stop here a whi- le. excuse this long letter by writeing me as long a one as this. dont wory about our fare for we are enough for the old cook yet,

J. F. Gale

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we have a pleanty of good bread & that wil keep me in good trim for war. I havent had the sick headache since I was at home nor a day but what I have been able to do duty. I went up to the Worcester Co. last knigt had a good visit with those that I was a quianted with staid theire and heard them attend evening prayers &c. theire is much in camp to draw off our mind from all that is good but stil theire is some that are trying to live religean while in the army engaged in fight- ing for their liberty & countrys int- erest. I hope that when this reaches your hands that it wil find you all wel and happy. I think some times that I wish I could be helping you about the wood and threashing and other work but I supose that I am earning good wages if not working

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working hard: you must try and get along with the buisness as wel as you can: hire what is nesicary get along with as little work as can & have it do. take good care of Jenny colt and the steers. remember that I shal look for a letter soon as you get this and hope I shal get one before then. Direct your letter as before with the addition of: In the care of Capt L M Grout, on the account of the male being all brought up in one bag and scattered goes to every Com. to pick out their own letters. I wil send a picture encloced in this letter to you. excuse all mistakes: accept my love and hope for the best both in this world and in the world to come. so good by for this time, from that boy

J. G. Gale

