Justus F. Gale to Family

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BrattleboroDec 27th/61Absent friends

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As I find my self for a short time past in camp and in quite comfortable quarters I wil try to write a line to you. we left Montpelier Wednesday at nine in the morn and got here at four in Pm. we had to keep a good fine that night to keep warm but are all wel except some have some colds. we have not been into our tents yet to sleep. we have good barrax and good comfortable eatables.

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weare about one mile from the Depot. I have not been to the village since the day we came down & did not see any thing of the place then, we joined another company from Derby line. I under stand that we are called Co A although others tried hard to get it. we have had but little to do since we came here exept to pich a few tents. we had quite arain this morn but is growing colder now. I dont know when we shal leave here but think that our Regiment wil be ful in a few days. it is reported that we shal stay here until the difficulty is settled be fore we go South. but I had rather go south than to winter in Vermont. the boys are to play and feeling wel now. our camp is situated in a verry comfortable place with woods and bushes on the north west of us. we had a sermon from a minister from the other company last eavening

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I have not been on guard yet but expect that my turn wil come soon. I want some of you to write as soon as you get this for I probable shal stay here until it wil get to me if not it wil come to me. you wil direct your letter to
Camp Holbrook Co A 8 Vt Reg
Co A Brattelboro Vt.
I must stop for I cannot see to write. I wil try and write a few lines more while the rest are gone to supper as I am left to see to the tent while they are gone. perhaps you would like to know what we have to live on. we have fresh beef potatoes bakers bread and some butter some of the time and I see the cooks a looking over some beans which you know are good for soldiers. I saw the Governor Holbrook up here yesterday and a fine looking man to. we have a good

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quarter master I think Fred E. Smith of Montpelier and a different Ajutant than what old Baxter was. excuse all mistakes. so good by

J. F. Gale

