Roswell Farnham to Mary [Farnham]

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Camp of Vt. 12th. Regt.Near Wolf Run Shoals, Va.Jan'y 25th. 1863.Dear Mary:

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I reached camp in safety at one o'clk. The bearer of this will take you all out here.

Tell Mrs. Blunt that the Col. wished me to say to her that he expected her to come out -

He has had considerable writing to do this evening & wished me to write for all -

Capt. Ormsbee left here this afternoon & I suppose Mrs. Ormsbee is no longer a "widder". The ambulance cannot probably bring your baggage, all of it. You had better make a bundle of such things as you will want for a day or two & bring & leave your trunk to be brought after -

That other trunk you will leave and Mr. Stearns will take charge of it.

You can all stop at Mr. Davis' for a short time & soon you can come into camp.

You can settle with Mr. Whiley, but

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dont pay him a dollar a day -

You will remember that I have been there five or six nights & about as many meals, So you must allow for that.

I think five dollars would be high.

I hope to hear from you soon in person.

Dont forget your washing - Bring that -

Yours in haste -Ros -

