E. P. Mason to [Asa P.] Blunt

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In my Note of thanks to you this morning for your kindness in placing Guards around my House to preserve my sick Family from annoyance, I took occasion to state that under some misapprehension of Orders, on yesterday my Family Physician coming to visit my sick Daughter, & a Neighbour to bring her some sustenance & medicine had been arested & prevented access to the House. - This morning on going out, I find myself & Family prisoners; as the Guards will not allow us to pass beyond their immediate circle, even to my wood-pile & Barn.- This, of course is from a misapprehension of the purpose, for which they were placed here; but the interruption & confinement, is exceedingly annoying, as even if one of my Cows or Horses were to get out, we cannot go to bring them in, or for any other necessary business about my premises.- I have but a single man servant hired, & during his absence from the House, we have no means of looking after anything.- I pray you Sir, to correct this evil, as early as possible; I should be greatly obliged, that you would send me a written order, that I may hold & show to any one on post, allowing myself Family & visitors free ingress & egress to my House.- During all the Encampments around us, during the last Eighteen months, this has been always allowed us, without the slightest interruption.- I am very sure, Colonel, it

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will be your pleasure to accord to us the same.- Our situation is sad enough at best; & I am convinced it is entirely contrary to your wishes to place us under any constraint or inconvenience that is unnecessary.

With my best respect Sir
Yr. Obliged & obt St.E P Mason

Spring Bank Va Wednesday Nov 5th 1862

Col. Blunt
Of the 12th Vermont Vols.
Commanding Brigade

