Roswell Farnham to Mary [Farnham]

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Camp VermontNear Alexandria Va.Nov. 16th. 1862Dear Mary:

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Your letter dated the 12th. was rec'd last night & glad was I to hear from you as I always am.

I have just come from Col. Blunts tent & he wants to know if I am ready to send for my wife to start a week from tomorrow! I told him I was afraid you would not be ready. He wants to have his wife start then if she can & is going to write to have her, but I hardly think she will be able to. I think you had better write her as soon as you receive this & find out

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& if she is going to start then I should like to have you come too. I shall have things all ready for you by that time. I dont want you to leave there unless you are ready to come. We shall probably stay where we are. If we do not we can find a place for you to stay.

You had better bring two trunks & no other baggage except a small bag & shawl. Bring a straw tick, some sheets if you choose to, a pillow case or two, a couple of tumblers, a cover & such things as you think you would want. Think the matter over carefully. I dont want you to worry about coming, & hurry so much as to make you sick, for I had rather you would wait a while. There will be chances enough to come & I want you to be well prepared. I dont think Mrs. Blunt will be ready

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to come then. But you had better write to her & find out when she is coming. Direct Mrs. Col. Asa P. Blunt, St. Johnsbury Vt. You will have to get some money of Uncle Oliver. Get the whole of that note, & carry the money to the Bank & exchange it for U. S. treasury notes - Green Backs - as they are alled for small denomination - none to exceed five dollars. You will have to be careful & not loose it as I dont know when we shall be paid.

My health is first rate. My lameness is almost entirely gone.

I write to have you come supposing that Laura can be left without any danger & that matters of business are all right. If you should delay a week or fortnight I suppose it would make but little difference, still the weather

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would probably be better now than later.

Murphy was in camp day before yesterday & Geo. Andross took tea with me. They have now gone up to see the tenth Regt. They are after a sutlership.

Give my best regards to Charley Harding & tell him that he had better come out with you. He can spend a week very pleasantly here. Tell him if he will come I will do for him what I will not do for any body else, I will lend him my horse.

Mrs. Vaughan will come out & Mrs. Bronson & some other ladies.

Mrs. Lewis is keeping house in Washington. Think the matter over carefully - Don't hurry so as to make you sick. Some of us will meet you in New York probably. Write me on the receipt of this, also when you hear from Mrs. Blunt & what you decide to do.

Ros -

Love to Laura

